Chapter 23: Hello, Mr. Sniper

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"Both bullets are the same, meaning the same rifle was used at both crime scenes," Connor tells us as he scans the bullets.

"And it turns out our shooter used cash instead of a card. He's playing it smart." Tasha informs us.

"Great," Dad mutters, not hiding the annoyance in his voice.

"I talked to food truck owner's wife and she said she didn't know Cassie and doesn't think she has any connection to her husband."

Connor places his chin in the palm of his hand. "What if we were looking at this the wrong way?"

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"Two victims, two devastated spouses..." Connor mutters. "Where is she now?" Connor asks Tasha.

Joseph speaks up. "Lieutenant Pierce is talking to Kyle's wife right now."

"Let's go then," I say.

The others nod in agreement and Tasha and Joseph lead us to Pierce's desk where he is talking to the spouse.

"Do you recognize this man?" Pierce asks, handing the spouse a folded image of Luke and Cassie, but only showing her Luke.

"Damn he was one step ahead of me," Connor mutters.

"Yes. That's Luke." She answers with a sniffle.

"How do you know him?"

"We've worked together. I'm a doctor, he's a lawyer. He handles many of our hospital's malpractice suits." She fiddles with the photo in her hand and opens it to see the full image. "He's married to the other victim?"

Connor steps in. "Yes, but the connection isn't between them. It's between you, the spouses."

I catch on to what he's saying and I see everyone else is too.

"So you're saying our killer could be upset by one of these malpractice suits," Joseph says.

"Maybe. Or they could be taking it out on their loved ones." Connor says.

Dad turns back to look at the spouse. "Can you give us a list of all the cases Luke litigated for you?"

She nods. "You can find it at the hospital I work at. It's not too far from here."

All of us nod.

"Thank you," Pierce says before we all take off.

Dad rides with Pierce, the two of them going ahead of us. Connor and I go with Tasha and Joseph, sitting in the backseat of Tasha's car.

"Is this as fast as this car can go?" I ask from the backseat.

"Yeah. This car is pretty old." Joseph answers.

Tasha smacks his arm. "I was going to get a new one this week. I finally saved up the money for it."

I look over at Connor to see him staring out the windshield.

I nudge him. "Connor, you okay?"

He snaps out of it. "Yeah, I was just calculating the fastest route. Turn right." Connor says to Tasha at the last minute. She makes a sharp turn, causing me to hit my head on my window.

"Ow!" I yell and rub my head.

"A heads up would be nice," Tasha says, looking at Connor in the rearview mirror.

Connor smirks. "Just did. Left!"

Tasha makes another hard turn and this time I bump into Connor and it's Joseph's turn to hit his head on his window.

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