Chapter 25: Career Day

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"...and engineers also have to think about the safety of others. We have to make sure what we build is safe for others to use."

My leg rapidly bounces under the table as I listen to a classmate's dad talk about their engineering job.

Someone grabs my leg, stopping it from bouncing. I look over to see it's Connor.

"Relax. Your heart rate is increasing rapidly. What are you so nervous about?"

"I don't know. It's just that... it's your turn next and I'm just nervous, alright?"

Connor chuckles. "You're not even the one going up."

"I'm just afraid you'll say something that'll embarrass me."

He rubs my leg comfortably and gives me a reassuring smile. "I won't."

"Connor." My teacher, Ms. Parker, calls his name, grabbing his attention. She gestures with her head to come up since it's his turn.

I lightly push Connor and he looks back at me and punches my arm playfully. He then quickly gets up before I can punch him back. He walks to the front of the classroom and straightens his suit jacket.

I shake my head. 'Connor and his suits. At least he isn't wearing that android jacket though.'

"My name is Connor."

'Does he always introduce himself like that?'

"I'm obviously not (Y/n)'s father. Lieutenant Anderson couldn't make it since he has a lot of work to do so I'm here in his place. I'm a detective so we investigate crime scenes and find out who did it, how, and why. Lieutenant Anderson and I are partners and we've solved some cases together... with the help of (Y/n) of course. We recently solved a case in LA."

Everyone looks back at me and I shrink back in my seat.

"You help solve cases?"

"That's so cool!"

"Have you seen a dead body before?"

I get bombarded with questions and Ms. Parker chuckles. "Alright kids, give your attention to Connor please."

I look at Connor, giving him a look that says 'I'm gonna kill you later.' He just snickers and goes back to what he was saying.

"You guys heard about the android that took the little girl hostage and they had to bring in a negotiator?" He asks the class full of students and parents. They nod. "That negotiator was me. It was my first mission too."


"No way!"

The class chorus.

One of my classmates raised his hand. "Have you ever been in a high-speed chase?"

"No actually. I don't think those would be as fun as people think they are though." Connor answers.

"Why not?"

"Because you're gonna be speeding through traffic and have to make sure you don't hit somebody or somebody doesn't hit you while also trying to catch up to the car you're chasing."

"Oh." Is all the kid says.

One of the parents speaks up this time, having a question for Connor.

"How is the progress with that new case you're on? The one with the serial killer android."

Connor looks at me and I look back at him.

"We've found nothing yet. We're still trying to figure that out the best we can." Connor answers.

The Junior Detective (Detroit: Become Human)Where stories live. Discover now