Chapter 29: The Day for Sickness

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Connor's POV

"(Y/n), it's almost noon. You should be..." I stop as I walk into her room and look at (Y/n), who's laying in her bed.

She looks really pale and is sweating badly. She coughs as she turns her head to look at me.

"Connor, I don't feel so good." She mumbles and starts coughing again.

I scan her to find out she has a fever with a temperature of 102.4.

"Hank!" I call out to him, looking at her doorway until he arrives.

Hank comes running in, panting. "Connor... what's..." He stops as he sees (Y/n). "Oh no." He groans.

"She has a fever of 102.4 degrees," I tell him.

"I'm not worried about that. It's just when she gets sick she acts like a big baby."

"Do not!" (Y/n) whines and then sneezes. "Daddy, I'm cold."

"Mhm. Sure." He says sarcastically.

I walk over to her bed and pick up the blankets she kicked off the bed and then put them on her.

"Am I dying? I think this is what dying feels like." (Y/n) mumbles with stuffiness in her voice.

"Oh give me a break," Hank mutters. "I'm gonna go make her some chicken noodle soup." He says and walks out.

I chuckle at (Y/n) and shake my head as I sit on the edge of her bed. "No it's just a cold," I tell her.

"My head hurts."

I give her a soft smile. "You should get some rest."

She hums in agreement and then starts coughing. "You're a good friend, Connor. You know that?"

I nod. "Yeah. And so are you."

"You'll never leave me?"

"Never," I tell her and place my hand in hers, giving it a soft and reassuring squeeze before letting go.

She smiles softly and then turns over on her side, wrapping her good arm around Sumo, who is still sleeping on her bed. I get up to get a bag of ice to help cool her off when I hear her shift in her bed again. I look back to see her with a tablet in her hand as she unwraps herself from Sumo.

"(Y/n), I think it's best if you really get some sleep," I say to her.

"I'm not leaving my room though."

I sigh and shake my head, knowing how stubborn she is so she wouldn't listen anyway. I walk out of her room and grab an ice pack from the kitchen and then go back into her room, placing the ice pack on her forehead. She winces at the sudden coldness but doesn't try to move it since she's focused on her game.

"Soups ready!" Hank yells as he walks into the room.

(Y/n) quickly stashes her tablet under Sumo and lets out a cough.

"Thanks Dad." She says with a weak smile.

"Anything for you kiddo." He says back and pats her leg before leaving the room.

I narrow my eyes at her. "You're a little devil."

She smirks. "I know." She then starts coughing again.

"Well if you're not gonna sleep then at least eat."

She groans. "Fine."

I grab the soup from the bedside table where Hank left it at and I sit on the edge of her bed, passing the soup to her once she sits up, the ice pack on her forehead falls into her lap.

"I wish it was a school day." She mutters and blows on her soup. "Then I could've missed school and be miserable in my room all day."

I chuckle. "Really? What about your friends? Wouldn't they miss you?" I ask.

She scoffs. "What friends?" She says as she takes a spoonful of her soup and sniffles. "You, Markus, Josh, Rupert, North, and Simon are my only friends."

I grab the box of tissues from her dresser and sit back down on her bed and set the tissues in my lap.

"So you still haven't found yourself a friend in your class?" I ask.

"Nope and you know, I think I'm fine with that actually." She says and looks up at me with a wide smile and sniffles.

I take a tissue out the box and hand it to her.

"Blow your nose."

"Okay mom."

She takes the tissue and starts blowing her nose. I bring her trash can next to her bed so she can throw the tissue away and then she uses hand sanitizer, which is on her bedside table, to clean her hands.

"Argh." She groans and I look at her to see her holding her head.

"Headache?" I guess.

"Yeah. It got worse." She winces.

"You should probably get some rest like I suggested."

She lets out a sneeze before nodding in agreement. She sets her soup on the table and then lays down. I put the ice pack back on her head and she closes her eyes to try to get some sleep. I leave the room and look back to make sure she's okay before I close her door.


2 days later...

"(Y/n)! Good to see you're feeling better!" I greet her when she steps into the kitchen.

I just finished making her breakfast. Scrambled eggs and bacon.

I hand her the plate.

"Thanks Connor. I'm feeling a lot better than I was two days ago." She sits at the table and starts eating.

"Yeah, well I'm not." Hank groans from the living room and I hear him cough.

(Y/n) looks at me, giving me a sympathetic look.

"We may have forgotten to mention that he always gets sick after I'm sick." She says and continues eating her eggs.

"It's too fucking hot in this damn house! Connor!" Hank calls to me.

I sigh. "Here I go again."

Five more chapters left!


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