Chapter 30: Bored

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Your POV

"Ugh! There's nothing to do!" Rupert groans and hits his head on Josh's shoulder.

I'm laying on the floor facing the ceiling, Rupert and Josh are on the couch, Connor, Markus, North, and Simon are sitting on the floor near me.

"Having a psychotic murderer hunting me would be more fun than this," I mutter.

"Careful what you wish for," Simon says in a sing-song voice.

"Yeah, and I don't think you want him coming for you." Connor pipes up.

"For us." I correct.

"There has to be something we can do," Josh says.

"We can play video games," Markus suggests.

"Boring! We just got finished playing some games, Markus." Rupert says.

"Hey, where's the Old Man at?" North asks, referring to Dad.

Connor and I share a look of confusion.

"She has a point... where is Dad?"

Simon speaks up. "He left a note on the counter in the kitchen."

We all look at him.

"What? I was looking for Sumo earlier." Simon says in defense.

Upon hearing his name, Sumo comes bounding over and sits right on Simon's lap. Simon chuckles and pets the dog.

"So what did the note say?" North asks and reaches over to also pet Sumo.

"Uhh... something about going on a case and didn't want to bother us."

I throw my hands up in the air. "I haven't been on a single case since that psychopath threatened me and Connor! I think he's just scared that Aidan will come for us if we show our faces at a crime scene."

"Maybe he's just being protective of you two," Josh suggests.

"Yeah. Too protective." I mutter and cross my arms.

Sumo then comes over and sits on me.

"Oof." I let out as all his weight is on top of me now and his fur is covering my face.

"Can we get back to the topic at hand? We're bored and need to find something to do." Rupert says.

North gives us a devilish smirk. "How about truth or dare?"

"That game never turns out good." My muffled voice says from under Sumo.

They all let out a chuckle as they realize Sumo is on top of me, covering my tiny form.

Markus whistles, grabbing Sumo's attention. "Sumo!" He calls to the dog.

Sumo immediately climbs off me and goes to Markus, plopping himself down on his lap. I sit up and try my best to wipe all the dog hair off of me but then Connor comes over with a lint roller and starts removing some of the fur off of me the best he can.

Rupert claps his hands. "So! Who's in?"

Josh shrugs. "It gives us something to do."

Simon laughs. "Bet you pussies will pick truth."

North scoffs. "No way! Dare all the way!"

"Are we seriously gonna play this?" I ask as Connor finally puts the lint roller down and sits back down.

"You too much of a chicken to play?" Rupert taunts and starts making chicken noises.

I scoff. "No! I'm in!"

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