Chapter 6: Packing Up

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My dad took me to my mom's house to get my stuff. When we got there, the driveway was empty. Nobody was home. Obviously because my step-dad was arrested in front of me. My mom was probably arrested to, or trying to get my step-dad out. My brother and sisters are not here either, they're probably still in school, or at friend's houses.  I am glad that nobody is home. It makes packing up my stuff a lot easier. I found the spare key under the mat and unlocked the door. We walked in and I showed him my room. It was a really tiny room, that was the size meant for a baby.

"This is small." He said looking around my plain room. It was close to being like the broom closet Harry Potter had lived in.  

"Yeah, but I have had this room for so long I don't know what it's like with a room bigger than this." I said shrugging. We started packing up my things which wasn't that much, mostly clothes and some books, make up stuff, my dresser, and my vanity. We brought everything out to his car, everything would fit in the backseat and the trunk. We walked back inside and he was just about to grab my bed, when I stopped him.

"No, I don't want that." I said looking at it with wide eyes, then I started to tear up.

He put the bed down and came over to me hugging me tightly.

"Don't worry, we will buy you a new bed, a bigger bed." He said comforting me.

"Hey, I got an idea." He said smiling.

"Do you want to throw this out?" He asked.

"That would make me happy." I said smiling.

I helped him carry the bed and we carried it to the dumpster and put it in. Just in time too, the dump truck came and picked up the dumpster and emptied it in the back. I watched the dumpster drive off and was happy to see the bed go, it reminded me of that dreadful night and I was forced to sleep on it every night and relive the terror. It was awful.

"You ok?" He asked.

"I am now." I said looking at him and smiling.

"I've decided, I'm going to buy you all new furniture". He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, so you don't have to look at the old stuff and have it remind you of this place." He said gesturing toward my mom's house. I hugged him.

"Thanks dad." I said.

"Of course sweetheart." He said smiling at me.

We went back inside and started carrying out the few boxes I actually had. I only had about 5 small boxes, and one larger box. The small boxes had some movies, books, school stuff, and make up stuff, and the larger box had my clothes. We left my dresser, vanity, and my small bookshelf. We loaded the boxes into his car and we drove off to my new home. I looked at my mom's house and watched it fade away as we were driving. It was a great feeling knowing I would never have to go back there ever again. I was excited thinking about my new life. I will be living with my real dad, I won't have to worry about my step-dad raping me again. This is going to be great, I smiled just thinking about it. 

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