Chapter 7: Moving In

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My dad drove me to his place. When we got there, some people were waiting there.
I saw it was my dad's team. I got out of the car and ran over to Olivia.

"Olivia!" I said hugging her.

"Hey Emily." She said me hugging back.

The rest if the detectives said hello, and helped move my few boxes in.
After all my boxes were moved in I started looking around my room thinking where I want to put my new furniture.

"Come on, let's go get your new furniture." He said. 

We got in the car and he drove us to the store. We walked in and started looking around at the furniture. I found a bed that I really liked. It was a really nice white bed. I also found a really pretty white dresser that had four big drawers and two smaller ones at the top. I was looking a the vanities when I saw a really pretty pale pink one, my bad got the box with that vanity and put it in the cart with the box with my dresser and bed. We went to the isle with all the sheets and comforters. I saw some really cool sheets that were zebra print and had some peace signs scattered around in different neon colors. My dad went up to the cash register and payed for the furniture and sheets and we got back into the car and headed toward the house with a trailer truck following behind us with my new furniture. Once we got to my dad's place the employee helped my dad unload the boxes and put together the furniture. My dad gave him a tip because he didn't have to help bring it in or put it together. He thanked us and left.I put the sheets on my new bed and decorated my room with the walk decals, mirrors, and other decorations my dad got me. My dad came in to check on me. 

"Wow, it looks great." He said.

"Thank you for buying everything for me." I said hugging him. He hugged me back tightly. 

"Of course, anything for you." He said and I smiled.

"I love you dad." I smiled.

"I love you too sweetie." He smiled back.
There was a knock on the door. I walked over with my dad and he opened the door revealing Olivia.
"Hey Olivia." He said letting her inside.

"Olivia!" I said and I hugged her.

"Hey Emily." She said hugging me back. 

I sat on the couch talking to Olivia while my dad was in the kitchen. I got up after talking with Olivia with a few minutes and walked over to the kitchen where my dad was. 
"Whatcha doing?" I asked.

"I'm cooking some dinner." He said. 

"Whatcha cooking?" I asked.

"Some chicken." He replied. 

I walked back over to the couch and continued talking to Olivia. After my dad was done making dinner, Olivia and I walked to the table and sat down. My dad handed Olivia and I our plates and walked back to the counter to get his plate. He sat down and we talked all throughout dinner and even a long time after dinner. Since it was getting late Olivia left and I said goodnight to my dad and went into my room. I looked around and smiled at it. It looked so nice, not to mention it was a lot bigger as well. I am going to be really happy here. 

Detective's DaughterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin