Chapter 3: The Hospital

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Emily's POV:

After I told Elliot and Olivia that my biological father was in fact Elliot, they were both shocked. Elliot had a blank stare on his face and he was not speaking. Olivia was just looking at me shocked. I started immediately thinking the worst. I thought that Elliot wouldn't want me, that he wouldn't want to see me or be in my life from now on. I let go of his hand and looked away while a tear started to roll down my cheek. 

"Why are you crying?" He asked wiping away the fresh tear.

"You don't want me. You don't want to see me or be in my life." I said looking down.

"How could you think that?" He asked in shock. He grabbed my hand.

"You were zoned out, you didn't say anything. You looked bad shocked, like a little upset." I said.

"I was just shocked sweetie. I can't believe your mother would do that to me. I can't believe that she didn't tell me she was pregnant when she left me." He said tearing up from sadness and anger. I looked at him and got up off the gurney. I went over to him and wiped his tear with my thumb and sat on his lap and I wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him. I felt him hug me back tightly not wanting to let me go. I let go of the hug and just sat on his lap, I wrapped one arm around his waist, and fell asleep hearing my father's heartbeat. 

"Sweetie, it's time to wake up. We're at the hospital." Elliot said gently shaking me.

"Why do I have to go?" I whined burying my head in his chest.

"You need to get checked out. You passed out and had some water in your lungs. I want to make sure you are ok." He said, concern in his eyes. I would not get up.

"If I have to carry you I will." He said picking me up because I still did not budge. He brought me inside the hospital and to followed the paramedics and secretary who showed us to the room I would be checked up on in. After I was changed into a hospital gown and laying in the bed while waiting for a doctor, I heard someone yelling my name from outside. It didn't take long for me to realize that it was my mom and I got scared.

"I don't want to go home with her. I don't want to stay with her anymore. I want to live with you dad. Can I live with you?" I said tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm not letting you go back with her. I am going to be suing for full custody." He said calming me down. I still heard her screaming my name. 

"EMILY?!" She yelled. "I want to know where my daughter Emily is!" She screamed.

Next thing I know she burst through the door and when she saw Elliot she got furious.

"What are you doing here?!" she yelled at him.

"We were speaking at her school and long story short, she ran away and I saved her." He said to her.

"I don't want you anywhere near my daughter!" She yelled getting in his face. She then walked over to me and went to grab my hand. I yanked my hand away and looked away from her. 

"I know she's mine Kathy. I can't believe you kept something like that from me. I'm going to sue you for full custody." He said confident.

"You're going to lose." She said smirking. Equally as confident as Elliot. 

"We'll see about that." He said smirking back. He started to walk away and out of my room.

"NO! Don't leave dad! Don't leave me!" I started screaming for him to come back. I didn't want to be left alone with my mom. I am furious that she lied to me my whole life. But he was clever, he waited till Kathy left to come back to my room.

"I never left. I just went in the waiting room and waited for Kathy to leave." He said grabbing my hand.

"Im not going to lose you." He said to me, then he kissed my forehead. 

"I'm going to win this custody case." He said confident in himself.

"But don't I have a choice?" I asked. "I can tell the judge I don't want to go with her. That I want to live with you." I said hopeful.

"I'll call my friend Alex and ask if there is something I can do to make sure I get full custody of you." He said smiling.

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