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you and timothée,
i see 😳

what are u talking
about, s 🙄

i'm just saying what i see :)
you too...
seem like you're...
spending some...
quality time...

that was extremely drawn out
and stop bringing this up again 🥲

no. i will not >:(
you had a VICIOUS crush on tim
when you first met him.

yes, i remember drunkenly
telling you that at the award show 😒
what about it?

i mean...things kinda are looking in favor
for that crush now, i think :)

saoirse, i already told you.
i'm over that crush. it was only
because i watched ladybird and
thought he was hot.
which ISN'T special, because
i though you were hot too 😒

wait u never told me that 😳✋


i <3 u to bby

your spelling is horrendous

ok bitch 😒


no, but this crush thing is working.
it's ✨happening ✨

no it ✨isn't✨
me and timothée are nothing
but best friends.

best friends don't "accidentally"
sleep together.

well me and tim did.
and that's all there is to it

come onnnn, ace.
you're not seeing it
the way i am !

well that's good, because you're
seeing everything wrong.

come on.
at least tell me why you
don't like him anymore.
and don't say "because he's my
best friend" because that's bullshit
and we both know it.

i just don't anymore.

bullshit !

and i don't have time right now
for a long distance relationship.
if me and tim got together, it would
cause a multitude of problems.
long distance, ruining a friendship
if we broke up, timothée might
not even like me, and the list goes on, s.

that doesn't answer the question, ace.

yes it does, saoirse
to you it might not, but it does
perfectly to explain everything.
end of conversation.

i'll see you tmr.

see ya.

vee !
i'm losing one of my best friends
since freshman year (i'm a senior)
and i feel like shit because i think
i always knew that they would
always choose the other
person over me.
i'm just so tired of it all.

anyways, i'm sorry this chapter
sucks. i'll double update since i haven't
posted in a while :)

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