Part eight

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THEY HAD BEEN LOCKED UP for two hours but they did not know it.  They also had not given the time any importance since they started enjoying each other's presence.  They were truly enjoying the moment, completely forgetting that they were locked in there.

Draco looked at her more and more and could not quite understand why, but he liked doing it, he liked to admire Annelisse's beauty and he was fascinated by it.  She often caught him doing it, to which he blushed a little and lowered his head.

"Can I ask you something, Draco?"  She said, tilting her head slightly, looking at him.


"Why are you being rude to people?"

That left Draco thinking, giving a big sigh.  Sometimes even he did not know exactly why he behaved that way in front of others.  It is true that he had some character, but deep down, he was not as bad as he made people believe.

"I mean, don't get me wrong. In the time I've spent with you, I've been able to see that you are someone who has a lot to offer. I can see the good in you. You're not a bad person, you're good, Draco."  She looked at him with a slight frown, confused.

Draco thought about what she had just told him, certainly impressed, does she really think I'm good?  He thought.  Annelisse made Draco think, reflect on his life, his behaviour, something that no one had ever done. He also had never allowed someone to get so far into his life and that in a way scared him because she made him feel good.

"People can broke your heart. I guess the best way to not get your heart broken, is pretending you don't have one."  He answered.

"How can a person live without love or affection, without the warmth that it provides?"  She said almost in a whisper with some sadness in her eyes.

"Maybe I'd always been broken and dark inside."  He replied with a somewhat broken voice.

Annelisse did not believe it at all. She saw something totally different with her eyes, she saw a broken boy inside with a lot of potential and she wanted to understand what had made him like this.

"What broke your heart so bad that you had to close every door, that you say you have a dark soul and can't utter the word 'love' anymore?"

But Draco did not answer despite knowing the answer to that question.  Having grown up without knowing those two words it had made him be like he was.

"You know, sometimes it's the sunshine that frightens us more than the big black shadows."  Annelisse said when Draco did not respond, to which he raised his head and looked at her. She smiled at him again.

Draco felt that twinge in his chest again. For the first time, again, he thought that maybe Annelisse was right with those words, that maybe he was more afraid of letting himself be loved than of everything dark in his life.

"Come on, I have an idea."  Annelisse said starting to smile as she got up from the ground.

Draco got up behind her and followed her behind the professor's desk.  He watched her as she opened one of the drawers and took out sheets of paper from it, showing them to him.

"What are you going to do with that?"  He asked something curious.

"Paper planes, of course."  She said as she took a sheet of paper and began to fold it into a plane.

"Seriously?"  He said incredulously.

"Are you afraid your plane can't handle mine?"  She taunted him, turning her head towards him, raising an eyebrow.

Draco rolled his tongue inside his cheeks, tempted by her words "Give me that."  He finally responded, reaching out his hand and taking a sheet of paper, to which Annelisse could not contain a small giggle.

"Let's make a few and launch them from the tower, see which one goes the furthest."  She explained as they both continued to create paper airplanes, one after another.

Minutes later, they were finished and Annelisse decided to give the planes her personal touch.  She took a feather that was on the table and began to write on the wing of the plane:  Lissenator.

"Did you really just name your plane?"

"Sure. I want that, if someone finds my plane, it's for the record that I beat you."  She said amused looking at him, to which Draco could not help but smile in a silly way.

It was still strange to him how easy it was for Annelisse to make him smile that way, but the tingling it caused in his stomach was, by far, the best thing he had felt in a long time.

Annelisse took another plane and wrote on it too.  Draco looked surprised by what she had written.

Draco and Annelisse's plane.

"And this will be ours."  She smiled at him.

Seeing his name next to hers made his stomach tingle again. Draco was confused by those sensations, he had never felt anything like what he was feeling at that moment.  For the first time, he felt that warmth Annelisse had told him about. He felt, somehow, loved and that struck him as an incredible feeling.

When Annelisse had everything ready, they both took the planes and went up to the tower to start that flight competition.

As soon as they reached the top, the cold collided with them. It had been snowing again while they had been in Astronomy class eating.

They approached the railing and put down all the planes and both took one.  Annelisse got ready and turned her face to Draco "Ready?"  She said with a smile.

"You'll lose."  He answered, amused and with a smile on his face.

They both stared straight ahead, preparing to launch the planes and within seconds, Annelisse gave the exit warning.


The two forcefully launched their planes into the void, leaning on the railing.  They watched the planes fly away while, nervously, each thought that theirs would defeat the other.

Suddenly Annelisse's plane lost control and plummeted while Draco's got a little further ahead, becoming the winner.

"No!"  Annelisse screamed when she saw what had happened.

Draco started laughing, watching her frown in indignation "I told you I'd win."

"Another one."  She said and took another plane.  Draco did the same and they once again launched their paper airplanes.

For a second, as they flew their planes, Annelisse looked at Draco and saw a happy boy, with a wide smile on his face. She was even fascinated.

For the first time, Annelisse contemplated how handsome Draco Malfoy was, how good he looked when he was relaxed and not frowning.  She stared at his platinum blonde hair, a few strands falling down his forehead in little waves, his skin pale, and when Draco turned to look at her, she could see those gray eyes with a small blue cast, losing herlself completely in them.


Heys guys!

I'm very excited about this episode, I find it soooo cute.  I hope you like it as much as I do!  Do not forget to comment and vote if you like it.

Love you, xx

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