Part nineteen

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DRACO was repositioning his tie over and over again, unsure.  He was very nervous and that made him angry, but it was all because he would finally see her, after another two eternal days.

Today was the Christmas party and the first guests had arrived although Draco was still in his room.  He did not even know if she was already waiting for him downstairs and it was getting on his nerves.

Finally —after several attempts— he managed to put on his tie and looked at himself once more in the mirror.  He wanted to be perfect, even though he felt kind of silly about it.

"For God's sake, what I do for a girl. Damn Lisse."  He muttered to himself and sighed heavily.

Yes, Annelisse Haunt made Draco Malfoy nervous, act like a crazy in love.

Five minutes later, he was ready. Then, left his room and came downstairs to join the party. When he looked around the room as soon as he entered, he looked for her impatiently as he walked.

But Annelisse was not there yet.

He greeted some guests with a smile and they looked at him in surprise, as they had never seen him attend the Ball before. They threw some compliments on his outfit and he just smiled politely.

Draco continued walking, observing the work that he and his mother had done days ago to decorate and prepare the Ball. It had all turned out perfectly,
they cleared the central hall, giving way to a large dance floor.  There were long tables filled with canapes and champagne for everyone.  The walls were covered by Christmas lights that helped light the place.

It was all perfectly lit, with a soft light that was neither too bright nor too dim.  People were enjoying the evening.

Draco walked over to one of the tables, poured himself a glass of champagne, and downed it in one gulp.  He was so nervous that he thought maybe the champagne would help.

"Don't you think you should slow down a bit?"  He heard his mother's voice behind him. Turning around, he found her raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

"I'm too nervous, what if she doesn't come?"  He asked her, to which Narcissa gave a little laugh.  Draco's concern looked tender to her.

"Just relax."  She wrapped her arm around him "I'll do what I can to keep your father out of it."  She smiled at him and Draco nodded but he was still somewhat unsure "Look," Narcissa pointed with a finger "Your friends have arrived."

Draco looked up at them and let out a slight sigh.  He said goodbye to his mother and went to meet them.  When they saw him, they quickly approached.

"Malfoy!"  Blaise greeted and hugged Draco patting him on the back.
Vincent, Pansy and Gregory did the same and  Draco felt slightly strange but good indeed.

It still puzzled him to see how different everything was, as if everything was new.  Although it was not at all, his friends had always been there even though he had not realized it and now they could truly enjoy their friendship with him.

"Zabini, before you speak, the food's over there."  Draco pointed a finger at the table.

"Good! See you later, I'm going to warm up."  He rubbed his hands together and walked away from them.

"Damn guzzler."  Pansy said looking at Blaise and the four of them laughed.  They all started walking over to the table, where Blaise was to join him.

"If you want, there's champagne."  Draco commented.

Vincent and Gregory shot each other knowing looks, both knowing what the other was thinking. Party. They quickly poured themselves a drink and took a large sip.

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