Part twenty eight

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At that very moment, Annelisse was in her living room, staring at the large fireplace, waiting impatiently for Draco.  It was two days since he had told her that he was coming but he had not responded to her letters and that, had her really worried.  She knew that the situation in his house was really complicated and she felt guilty about it.

Annelisse felt that she was dividing a family because of her origin and that, many nights did not let her rest.  She appreciated how much Draco defended her, the way he did not give up on her even though his father hated her, but sometimes everything seemed very complicated and the same idea kept coming to her mind.

She was alone at home, her family had gone to pick up Patrick from the station —who had also signed up for the trip— although his true intention was to meet the boyfriend of his beloved sister.

With some desperation, Annelisse got up from the sofa and went to the kitchen.  She opened the refrigerator and looked for something to put in her mouth. The nerves made her hungry and she needed to be satisfied with it.  She found some ready-made sandwiches and quickly grabbed one and began to bite into it as she frowned.

Suddenly, the noise of the fireplace made her whirl around and she felt her heart stop for a second.  She swallowed the food and returned to the living room at a brisk pace, hearing some noises.

As soon as she arrived, her face relaxed, sighing.  Draco finally had arrived.

The couple melted into a hug, as if they had not seen each other in years.  They both needed that hug, Annelisse kept feeling bad and Draco was also affected by what had just happened at home with his father.  They both parted slightly to look at each other.  She, seeing Draco's face, took it in her hands with a frown.

"What happened, Draco?"  Annelisse with concern in her tone.

"Nothing."  He responded avoiding her gaze. Annelisse knew him well enough to know when something happened to him and today was one of those days.

"That's not true, look at you."  She lightly caressed his face with her thumb, clearly seeing that his face reflected something totally different "Tell me."

"It was just a fight."  He replied simply. He tried not to care, he did not want to worry her but it was difficult. He had barely been arguing with his father less than half an hour and he could not ignore it as easily as he thought.

"No, Draco. Enough, I understand what you're doing but it doesn't help at all. I can't see you like this." Sighed "I'm so stupid for thinking this would be a good idea."  She said, pulling away from him and looking at him seriously.

"Lisse..." Draco took a step towards her.

"You shouldn't have come. I shouldn't have put you in this bind. It's all my fault."  She spoke.

"No, no. It's not your fault, it was him, he said some rude things to me, he yelled at me, I—"

"I know your family doesn't like me, but you don't have to make things worse like that, not for me."  She lowered her gaze for a second, biting her cheek inside "I'm causing all this myself. All, everything that happens with your family."  She acknowledged what she had been thinking lately, being the first time she had said it to Draco.

They had never discussed the subject, since Draco always avoided it.  He avoided worrying Annelisse, but she was not a fool, she knew perfectly well that something was wrong in his house and everything was due to her, because of her origin.

"Hey, hey. Don't say that."  He said taking her face in his hands, looking at her with concern in his eyes.  It hurt him that she believed that, that she felt that way because of his father "You haven't done anything, Lisse."

"Yes I have, Draco. Because you're with me, with this stupid Mudblood."  She said pointing at herself, letting go of him.

"Don' you dare to say that to yourself, Lisse—" 

"I'm sure if you were with any other girl who was pure blood, they wouldn't have any problem with it."

"Why do you care? I want to be with you, just with you, not another girl. I don't care if you're pure blood or not."

"And how can we be happy if not even your family can see me?"  She snorted "Every time you want to do something with me are you going to have to fight with your father?"

"If it's necessary, I will."  He responded instantly.

"Things can't be like that, Draco. At first I thought he would forget about it but it's not like that at all. I see it on your face every time a letter from your family arrives at Hogwarts and they talk about me. I see how you get sad, angry even when you try to hide it."

Those words were true and Draco knew it, he could not deny it but he did not care about his family, he only cared about her.

"I don't want to divide your family anymore, Draco..." She spoke again.

At that moment, Draco felt a lump in his throat, barely letting him breathe.  He finished approaching Annelisse and took her chin trying to get her to look at him but she was avoiding him "Lisse—Lissie, please."  He begged.

Draco could not think of anything else and it was the feeling he had at that moment, as if she was going to break up with him.  He could not bear the thought "Look at me please."  He insisted.

Seconds later, Annelisse looked at him with sadness in her eyes.  She was trying to contain the urge to cry at that moment.  She felt horrible about everything that was happening and she just wanted to be able to carry a normal relationship with Draco, something that seemed impossible with his father trying to separate them.

"I don't care what he thinks. I don't care that he doesn't like you, he misses it. And my mother adores you—" That brought a resounding smile from her, causing a few tears to leak from her eyes.  When he saw her smile, he did the same "—And that you love me is enough for me, shouldn't it be enough for you that I love you too?"  He said softly as he stroked her chin.

Draco watched her impatiently.  It hurt him to see her like this and he felt the guilty one of everything.  He did not want to make Annelisse suffer, it's the last thing he wanted to do in the world "Say yes."  He begged softly, still with that lump in his throat, waiting for an answer.

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