Chapter Twelve: Photographs

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"There you are!" Aisha exclaimed as I entered the suite. "Where did you go?"
"I, uh, stayed with Farah." I said as I walked into my room with Aisha and Bloom following me. I then started to change into some clean clothes. I decided on some white jeans and a blue t-shirt before brushing my hair. "We were up late talking and I fell asleep."
"I had a dream the other night." Bloom told me as I started to apply some makeup. "Well, it was more of a vision."
"A vision?" I questioned.
"Yeah, there was this woman. I think it was more of a memory. It was her who put me in the First World and she was telling me to find her."
"Why are you telling me this now?" I asked.
"We thought you might be able to help."
"Okay, well, did she look familiar?" Bloom shook her head.
"I was thinking that... if I help you find out about your parents, you could help me find the woman from my vision."
"How are we supposed to do that?" I asked. "You've only seen her face."
"The pictures in the halls." Bloom said. "I've been thinking that maybe she was a student at Alfea."
"Let me brush my teeth and we'll go."


"Anything?" I asked Bloom.
"I don't know." She told me. "There are a few maybes. It's just really hard to see what someone's gonna look like when they're old, but... if I squint my eyes and tilt my head, this Farah Fawcett one is a dead ringer."
"There are a lot of fairies in the Otherworld, Bloom." Aisha told her.
"You said the most powerful ones came to Alfea, right?"
"Technically, Alfea looks for magic potential when they admit fairies, but, he's, powerful fairies come through the school."
"Well, this woman embedded a memory in my head 16 years ago. That seems really powerful."
"If that is what happened."
"What else could it be."
"I just don't want you to get your hopes up." Aisha sighed.
"The night I opened myself up to magic, I got a memory. She said 'find me,' Aisha. She put me there for a reason. I know she's too old to be my mom, but one of them at least has to know who she is."
"Maybe Terra's dad has some old yearbooks we can look through." I suggested. "And if not, I, sure Farah'a kept a few."
"Yes, but after the class we are officially late for. Let's go." Aisha caved. I then smiled as we began to walk through the hall.
"Thank god." I sighed. "I was beginning to think you were going all negative Nancy on us." Bloom laughed at this and we entered our classroom before taking our seats.

"So, it's like the perfect pear, right?" Terra asked Miss Dowling. "What you want me to do? You know how if you ever want to eat a pear, it's always rock solid, and you wait and you wait, and it's still a rock, and then you touch it one second later, and it's all rotten mush."
"Your magic connects you to living things." Miss Dowling said. "Feel how they communicate to you. The subtle signals of nature." I then watched as Terra made a yellow flower grow in her plant pot. "Pheromones, vibrations. You can make life." I then watched as the flower became a dandelion and each seed floated away. Terra frowned. "But there is such a thing as giving too much."
"Her thing is too much." Musa smiled.
"Which you can feel because you're an exposed microphone on a windy peak. Think of focusing on one emotion, in one direction. Narrow the field." Musa's eyes turned pink for a few seconds and she then smiled. "Good." Miss Dowling said before coming to me at the table behind the other two girls.

In front of me sat a bowl of water. Farah stood over me and smiled as I took a deep breath. I was much happier today than I had been the last week and I used that to the water in the bowl to ice. I then tapped it with my finger only for it to break. The water was only frozen by a thin sheet on the top. I frowned. "Focus on the whole bowl." Miss Dowling told me. "Start with the bottom and work your way up." I nodded and raised my hand over the bowl. I thought about the water at the bottom of the bowl freezing as I closed my eyes and when I opened them, it had worked. "Good work." The teacher grinned. "Do you want to try unfreezing it?" I took a deep breath and tried to unfreeze the water but I was unsuccessful.
"I can't do it." I sighed.
"No worries." Farah told me. "We'll work on it another time." She then made her way to the desk behind me to check on Aisha and Bloom.

I focused on trying to get the water in my bowl to unfreeze but it was no use. It wasn't working. I was then distracted by cold water splashing against my back and I jumped out of my seat and turned to see Bloom and Aisha covered in water as well. "Aisha!" I exclaimed.
"I see there is something yet to be learned." Miss Dowling smiled. "That is all for today." I bent down and picked up my bag and turned back to Aisha and Bloom.
"Hey, are you okay?" Bloom asked Aisha.
"Yeah, I'm gonna go for a swim. That's all." Aisha said before quickly leaving the classroom.

"Have you spoken to Sky recently?" Bloom asked me as we left the classroom.
"I saw him yesterday." I said. "He's just... he's really worried about Silva. They're really close, you know. Silva's practically a dad to him."
"But Silva's going to be okay, though?"
"I think so." I sighed. "He just won't get any better until the one burned one who injured him is dead." Bloom frowned.
"So there is more than one out there?"
"Apparently." I said. "That's why all the teachers are so worried... Hey, what about these photographs?" I then asked as we stopped walking.
"Me and Aisha already checked those."
"Couldn't hurt to look again, could it?" I asked her.

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