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"I have ordered you comfy clothes galore,"

"Thanks, Kay,"

"It's time for chemo,"


I was getting better at walking, so I took her hand and we walked through the ward, into a small room. Neither Aimee nor Iza were here, and I could imagine Aimee was putting up a fight.

When she came through in tears, I knew I was right.

"What's going on?"

Ashton appeared with Iza, whose shoulders were hunched and eyes drooped.

"Hey, Aimee, take some deep breaths princess. Everything will be okay,"

"I don't want chemo,"

"Everything will be okay," he hushed, gently feeling her red cheek with his hand, "It's gonna be alright,"

"I don't want it, I don't want it in me,"

"This medicine helps you get better in the long run. I know it can be confusing because it can make you feel poorly, but it works. It is working,"

"I don't want it,"

"Aims, watch Ashton put it in me. Then maybe you can have a go too,"

"Yeah, I will start with Iza,"

I reached over and squeezed her hand, feeling her grasp it tightly as she watched Iza start on his chemo. Then, I let Ash give me mine too, before he put another new pair of gloves on and went to her.

For some reason she didn't have a picc line, though that was most likely because she wouldn't let them give her one. Clearly she was already scared of the place, and this must've thrown her off.

"There you go sweetheart, well done ay? Did you speak to the counsellor yesterday?"


"Good, how did you find it?"


"That's understandable. I am so proud of you!"

She wiped her tears and took sips of her water, looking down to her lap. The mood in the room was terrible, and when Ashton left us with just a nurse in the corner, silence fell upon us.

My eyes darted round the posters, and I studied the clock. The typing on the nurse's computer was almost deafening, and I coughed awkwardly, biting my lip.

"There's no funeral,"


"They spent all their money on the surgery,"

Iza's eyes met mine and I saw the pure pain. They had seemed to become so close, and I couldn't imagine how he felt. It would be 100x worse than I did.

"He deserves a funeral," Aimee sniffed, "He was so kind to me,"

"Yeah, he was awesome,"

"I keep feeling like I could've done something. I could have changed his mind,"

"There's no way, Iza. He was set on his idea. This is not your fault," I said firmly, "None of this is anyone's fault. It happened,"

"That's pretty hard to see," he laughed, almost manically, "Fuck this shit,"


"Yes, but mum says I can't say words like that,"

I looked at Aimee and smiled, a small giggle escaping her. I laughed too, and even Iza had a small smile.

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