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           When we left the room, we explored the underground building a bit, not exchanging words just yet. We just took in each other's presence while we walked. It was peaceful. Especially after a night of mayhem, the silence was very nice.

Colby had agreed to tell me about everything. Not specifying what everything meant, but, it was the reassurance I needed. I was getting somewhere and whether I regret it in the future or not is a completely different thing. What he may tell me could change my already dwindling opinion of him. I don't think I'll think better of him after we talk, and I've prepared myself for that already.

I accepted the fact he wasn't a good person almost as soon as I met him.

The two of us ended up in a dimmed room, kind of like a staff's room at a grocery store. We sat on each end of a small table. He stared at me while I sipped my coffee and guided my eyes around the room, thinking. About what I have no idea, but I don't think it's anything bad.


The first words to a whole new perspective.

"Where do you want me to start?" He grinned, crossing his arms and leaning back into his chair, his muscles flexing through his plain shirt.

My eyes met his and I shrugged, "Where should you start?" I return the question.

He lifted his brows in thought, "Well, let's start at the beginning."

I nod.

"I discovered this place when I was 16, and at the time it was nothing more than a hideout for a few bad people. They were the original Toxicity." he pointed to his tattoo, "A gang forced underground after complications with the police. Here, I met the people who shaped me into the man I am today. I was taught how to defend myself and how to survive in this new harsh reality that had become my life. They were my family. People I could trust." he leaned forward and put his elbows on the table, "Until I was 18. Problems arose and, unfortunately, they were all killed. But I wasn't about to let their name die, so I built this." He looked around the room, motioning towards the bigger picture. The Lab. "I created this place and over the years have built it up to what it is today. A business, a community, for people just like me." he gave a sinister smile.

"And by people like you, you mean-" I trailed off, my voice quiet.

"Criminals, ex-convicts, you get the picture."

I nodded, "And what is it y'all do?"

Tilting his head slightly he answered, "Well I've mentioned this is a business, and it is. Here we provide services to the wealthy, take care of jobs they can't do themselves, and help the unfortunate create a life for themselves in some way. We do things like targeting people, fetching priceless artifacts, dealing with the uncooperative, and even drug deals. We even provide jobs to some people. We do everything here, but it all comes at a price." He paused, analyzing my face and how I was taking it in thus far. I think pretty well, I haven't run away screaming or crying yet so I think I'm doing a good job just listening. He then continued, "For every job given, a payment in some form is required. Whether it be future services or money. Nothing is free in this world, why would here be any different."

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