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            "I'm surprised you even wanted to come out tonight." Devyn gasped out of breath, plopping down onto one of the cushioned sofas of the house. She took a large gulp of her can of Coke, her leftover chaser from the shots she took. Tara and Kat were some here still in the crowd of people, dancing of course. Me, not drinking and not having the fuel of alcohol to keep my energy up, wanted to take a break from twirling and jumping in this house party. And Devyn told me she'd join, also adding she wanted to fix up her lipstick.

As I also caught my breath, she did that. Looking into the mirror of her phone with red lipstick in hand. "Why, because someone wants me to die?" She gave me a knowing look, especially at the healing cut on my forehead, "Well I'm not scared." Lie, "And I don't want this to interrupt the course of my life. I can handle myself." The gun I had stashed under my dress was my reassurance of that, as well as the pocket knives I told the girls to hold in their purses.

Though they aren't the targets, they should still have a way to protect themselves Incase anything ever happens.

"Well," she looked away from her phone for a mere second to grin at me, "I think I'm in love with this new attitude of yours. Of course, vodka would finish it off, but sprite works just as well." She glanced down at the drink in my hand.

I laugh, "Mmm." Then take a sip.

"Hey, I have a question." She dropped her lipstick into her purse and set her phone down, inventing direct eye contact between us.


"You like girls, correct?"

Well, wasn't expecting that kind of question. I cleared my throat, "Well, yes?"

She blinked once before a big sneaky smile grew on her, "Good, because this girl over there has been eyeing you all night." She giggled, and I froze. I kept from looking immediately and planned the perfect time for me to discretely look over. And indeed there was a girl looking at us.

Tall, short black hair with red dyed tips, her fashion similar to Colby's funny enough. Sporting a dark red leather jacket. She was beautiful, I couldn't deny it. And yes, she was giving me a few secret glances here and there. But I wasn't looking to do anything with anyone today. Even though this is all meant to be a big distraction from thee who shall not be named, I still felt something for him as stupid as it sounds. I wasn't in the mood to randomly hook up with anyone.

I sighed and looked away, "Sucks for her then," I murmured.

"Oh come on. A hot girl is basically eye fucking you and you aren't going to go for it?" Devyn said in disbelief, keeping her smile.

I nod, "Believe it or not, I'm not the type to hook up with people."

"Yet that's how you and Colby connected?"

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