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   "Please tell me you kicked Colby's ass today." I hear Jake call out as Sam and I enter the house. We walk to the bear room to see Jake laying on the nice velvet couch, head hanging off the side to look at us. Next to him, Corey was counting money on the small glass table.

I glance over at the bear and flip it off per usual. The guys laughed at that. "Well yes and no, I stomped on his foot and elbowed him and his him pinned to the ground for a good 8 seconds. But other than that he had me pinned to the ground and threw dodgeballs at me while I was blindfolded. So, that was fun." I roll my eyes and take a seat on the couch across from them, my eyes fixated on the flaming fireplace.

"Hm." Corey hummed, still counting, "he went easy on you."

"Obviously." Jake chuckled.

Sam nodded from across the room, leaning on the wall next to the bear. I still couldn't figure out why anyone would want a thing like that in their house. Maybe I just hate bears, who knows.

"Yeah well, it didn't last long because he ran off halfway through." I sigh.

"He mention why?" Jake asked.

"Well, Livia here asked about the og Toxicity," Sam said, his tone sounding like I had done something bad. Which apparently I did, I just didn't know what.

Best not to bring it up right now.

"Mmm, mistake numero uno," Corey said in Sam's favor.

I lean back and nod, "So I've heard." I pause, "Why doesn't he like talking about them?"

"Well two reasons, one being its old news and he doesn't exactly like reminiscing on the past. And two, he hates all of them." Sam explained.

"Really, do y'all know why?" I ask.

They all took a second to look at each other. Even Corey, who was very fixated on counting the money, looked at Sam and Jake with a concerned look. Obviously, they know something I didn't. Oh, secrets secrets secrets, oh how I hate thee.

"I understand y'all can't tell me." I sigh in disappointment, leaning back on the couch and leaning my head on my hand as my elbow laid on the armrest.

"Sorry." Jake apologizes.

"It's no worries." I shrug it off.

"It's just.. Colby doesn't even talk about it with us. Me and Cor only know because he told Sam and Sam told us." Jake tells me, "Other than that, he never mentions her."


Jake obviously knew he fucked up when he said that. "Good job dude." Corey scolded, slapping the back of his head in dismay.

Who was her? Did he have a girlfriend? If so, what happened to her? Oh god, the questions were piling up. I can't handle this, I need answers before my head explodes. Am I being dramatic? Yes. You would be too if your life has come to what mine has.

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