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            "No, are you sure?" Devyn questioned, staring down at her paper and computer, "How does that even make sense?"

I shrug, "Metaphase is where the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell and each chromatid pair attaches to the other. Then after that is anaphase, where they are pulled apart. Right after that comes telophase where the cell is divided into two."

"But.. how come there's another question about prophase 2 and metaphase two and- I, Huh?" She gave me a puzzling look.

I giggled and pointed to her textbook, "Look. There are two processes. Mitosis and Meiosis, if it has no numbers then it is mitosis. Singular cell decision. Meiosis is what takes place right after to sex cells. It's almost the same thing except meiosis happens in sex cells only and results in either a females eggs or a males sperm."

She blinked a few times before her mouth opened in realization and I think I finally got to her, "ooooooooh." She exclaimed, "Wow, that makes a lot more sense than how my dumb professor taught us." She sighed, writing a few things down.

"And if you want another fact, Meiosis takes place as a female is developing, so we're born with eggs except we can't use them until we hit mensuration. For dudes, they go through the process when they hit puberty."

She nodded and wrote it down, "Okay, yeah, I think I'm starting to get this." She smiled up at me, "For the first time since I began college."

I tilted my head in wonder, "What made you want to get a degree in Biology again?"

She shrugged, "Eh, the name was cool."

Well... okay..

"Whatcha up to lady's." Sam appeared in my room, jumping onto the bed and peeking over to Devyn's computer, "Hm, Mitosis and Meiosis... sounds like a weird-ass name. Bet whoever name it that was weird too." He snickered.

I scoff "Walter Flemming and Oscar Hertwig were brilliant people who basically discovered how it is exactly you were made." I defend the two scientists, "And I'm helping Dev study for a test."

"Biology... boring." He groaned face planting into my covers.

"Get the hell out of my room, we're busy right now." I crumble a piece of paper and throw it at him, hitting him right on the forehead, "I think I've finally poked her brain."

I hear him laugh through the sheets before his head lifted back up in realization, "I came up here for something.." he trailed off, "Oh! Colby wanted to talk to you." He smiled.

I frowned, "Great, what did I do now?"

He chuckled and shook his head, "Nah nothing bad. Something about going somewhere."

I gave a confused look as I got up off the bed, "Colby? Willingly wanting to take me somewhere? Is he on drugs right now?" I ask seriously. This was unusual.. and suspicious. I didn't trust this at all.

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