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I pull the gun from the man in front of me's buckle, bringing it to his head and keeping it there. He froze, his whole body stiffening. "Colby," I say, not knowing if he was already looking at us or not. I couldn't see and was too scared to move and look past the guy's shoulder.

In a swift motion, I kick behind the guy's knees and send him to the floor. He groaned but I didn't hesitate to slam my foot against his back and knocking him right past Colby, making him roll on the ground in pain.

"What the fuck-"

I cut Colby off, "You were set up!" I exclaim, a loud bang ringing through our ears and a bullet hole appearing in the wall next to Colby's head. Yells and screams erupted from around us and that's when all hell broke loose. I gasp and look behind us to see a man with a gun pointing it at us from the upper balcony. "Shit!" I grab Colby's arm and drag him outside to the backyard.

"Darling it should be me saving your ass not the other way around." Colby flirted, pulling out his gun and clocking it. His finger resting on the trigger.

"Save the annoying comments for when we're not about to die." I hiss, "We need to leave." I tell him.

"Wait-" he pointed the gun towards Oliver and shot him dead in the chest. His body froze before he collapsed face forward in the pool and the water slowly turned red. Girls screamed from around him and quickly got out of the pool, and like everyone else, ran for their damn lives.

People were screaming, girls were struggling to put tops on, and everyone was running into the house and back out the front trying to get away from whoever was shooting.

"Was that necessary," I growl at him, to which he nodded in response.

"Police departments 30 minutes away so we have at least 15 minutes until cops get here," Colby tells me, looking around for a place to escape from.

"We only need 5." Another bullet shot right by us, I gulped. "Maybe 10."

We turned around to see 3 guys all in black coming at us. They all had guns, and they all looked very pissed off. Who even were they? I still didn't know. All I knew was that wanted Colby dead.

"Brock." The middle guy spoke up, taking a step towards us as the other guys did as well. He was about Colby's side and age.

"Travis," Colby replied cooly.

They lifted their guns and immediately began to shoot. I yelped as Colby yanked my arm and hauled me to the side of the house, pulling me as we sprinted down the passageway. He knocked over the trash can's to save us some time but we learned the tall fence leading to the front yard was locked and we couldn't climb over it.

I anxiously looked around, looking for some sort of escape, until seeing a window we could jump through. I quickly grabbed the back of Colby's shirt and pulled him towards the window, sliding it open and watching as he quickly climbed through without question. "Give me your hand!" He said. I didn't hesitate to give it to him. He effortlessly pulled me up and slammed it shut as soon as my feet hit the ground.

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