Chapter three

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England and Dragon were sitting in the living room, watching Pride and Prejudice on BBC. Behind them, a large christmas tree sparkled. Outside, the snow was falling softly.

France came out of the kitchen carrying a tray of hot chocolate. "Ma amie, don't you zink you should answer some questions?" he asked. Dragon looked up from where she was drooling over Colin Firth. "B-but it's COLIN FIRTH!" she whined. France rolled his eyes and dropped her computer in her lap. "Answer ze questions."

Huffing in annoyence, Dragon paused the movie and opened her computer. "The first question is from SlightlyStrange."

~Ah crapple. You already got asked that? Haha. Desole. I shall ask another one then! Well...... Hmmm...... Who's rougher? Like in bed.... -le blush- ~

"Why the bloody hell do you want to know?!" England sputtered, bright red. "Onhonhonhon," France laughed, "I like zis girl too. Of course I am. I *************." Confused at the sudden cesuring, France tried again. "J'ai dit, ***********."

Dragon covered her bloody nose. "Sorry but we got to keep it under R. But it makes sense..." "SHUT UP!" England shouted. Dragon grinned. "Anyway, next question. It's from Ireadtomuchfantasy."

~*Covers nosebleed* Thanks! Next questions! I love fairy tales, what are your favorite fairy tales? Dragon can answer too.~

"Yay!" Dragon cheered, "there's a question for me too!" France thought for a second. "Hmm, my favorite fairy tale would be La Belle et la Bête, Beauty and the Beast. I love 'ow in ze end, true love overcomes all and breaks ze curse. Also, it origionated in France."

"My favorite fairy tale is Mossycoat." said England. "It is kind of like Cinderella, but not. It is really interesting." "Oh yeah, I like that one too," Dragon added, "But my favorite would have to be East of the Moon, West of the Sun. It's a Norwiegen fairy tale." Checking her computer again she sighed "Well, that's all the questions this time guys." Then she grinned. "MORE COLLIN FIRTH!" and jumped back on the couch.


Hey eveyone! So I know christmas is over, but I wrote this before christmas and just now got it published. Merry Late Christmas!!

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