Chapter six

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Dragon sat on the couch, listening to the shouts coming from upstairs. "Mien Gott it's been two days!" She growled, stalking over to her computer and opening her e-mail, and found she had questions. The first was from LucyxH.

~SORRY! *knocks down door and drags both Britain and France together* lookiehere! it wasnt totally his fault being drunk is something....*stares at Britain* you should know..with America and all..anywho Why can't you just answer my previous question?~

Dragon stared at the now present England and France, who looked equally suprised. "I have no idea how you did that Lucy, but you have got to teach me!" she said. England glared at France. "It's still his fault." he muttered, "And what do you mean with America and...." he trailed off, remembering. "How do you know about that?!" he shouted. France frowned. "Angleterre, what are you talking about?" he asked. "Nothing," England muttered, "It was before we were truly together anyway." "Oh mon dieux did you and l'Amerique..!!!" France shouted. England blushed. "I was drunk alright?!! And we were together then!!" "But 'e is practically our son!!!" "I was really drunk!!!" "OH MIEN GOTT STOP ARGUEING AND ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!!!" Dragon snapped, "Cause I haven't gotten any sleep for the past two days from your argueing! So just kiss make up and answer the question!!"

France looked a little scared, and he nodded. "Well, I really enjoy raising children. Seshelyes and Canada were so cute when they were little!" England nodded in agreement. "Yes. I think it would be interesting to be an uncle." Dragon nodded. "Good. Next question." It was from Ireadtomuchfantasy.

~I suppose now is as good a time to ask as any considering what happened in the last chapter... How long do your fights usually last?~

England thought about it. "Hm, it depends." he said. "Sometimes they only last a day, sometimes longer. I think our longest was around a month long."

The next question was from DecapitatedMuffin.

~1. England, if France got you a terrible Valentines gift, what would that gift be? 2. If you we're both stuck in an elevator for 2 days, how would you pass the time?"~

"Easy." England said, "Sex toys. He's actually done that before." France smirked. "You know you liked zem." he purred. England blushed, but said nothing. France read the next question and his grin grew even wider. "What do you zink?" he said, wrapping his arms around England's waist. England's blush darkened.

Dragon sighed. "Gott sei Dank (thank god) they're not fighting anymore!" The two men stared at her. "You've been using alot of german today..." France said. Dragon's eyes widened. "Shit!" She ran out of the room muttering about needing pancakes.


Sorry this chapter is so short. I got bored waiting for more questions. THEY ARE MY FOOD! DON'T LET ME STARVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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