Chapter two

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Dragon watched in amusement as England attemted to strangle France. He had caught France trying to film him in the shower and putting it lightly, wasn't very happy.

Dragon's computer dinged, drawing her attention away from the fight. If you could call it one. Flipping it open, she grinned and put her bowl of popcorn to the side. "Yo! Love birds! Stop your domestic and get over here! We have more questions!"

The two nations stopped and looked over at her. "What iz a "Domestic"?" France asked. England rolled his eyes. "We are not having a domestic." "Yes. Yes you are." Dragon replied, "Now hurry up."

The two men joined her at the table and look at the screen. The first question was from Ireadtomuchfantasy again.

~Oh my gosh, thank you for dedicating the last chapter to me *blush* Okay, time for more questions! So England: Is it true that you have a tatoo? I suppose France could also answer that, since he would also know. France: It sucks when I have to listen to people call you a rapist just because you are doing your best to spread love. What do you have to say to those people? And another one for England: Assuming that you love the Beatles (I do!) What's your favorite Beatles song?~

Dragon smiled. "I should be thanking you! You ask really good questions!"

England nodded. "Yes, I do have a tatoo. Actually, I have two. One one my left shoulder blade, and one on my hip. The one on my shoulder is a guitar. And the one on my hip........well, that's a secret."

"Onhonhonhon," France snickered, "It's a french flag in ze shape of 'eart." England went bright red. "S-shut up you stupid frog. W-what do you know?" France kissed the blushing brit on the cheek. "You know exactly 'ow I know mon cher. But if you need reminding, I would be 'appy to remind you." He slid his hands down England's sides.

"G-guys!" Dragon squeaked, and hand covering her dripping nose, "Not here please! We might have younger readers! Save that for later! And in a bed room please! So my camara can catch it." She mumbled. "What?!" "Nothing! He-he-he."

France stopped groping England and looked at his question. "Thank you. You are correct. It is 'urtfull to 'ear zose things.I admit zat I am a bit," Dragon coughed "cough-a big-cough" France glared, "of a pervert, but I 'ave never once raped, or attempted to rape anyone! And I never would! My 'eart belongs to England, and even if zat weren't ze case, rape 'as NOTHING to do with love. I like to 'elp people find zeir love and to teach people about love, not force myself on others!"

England wrapped his arms around France. "Shhh. It's ok love." Dragon nodded. "Yeah! We know you are not a rapist! And are readers know too!"

England looked at the last question and thought for a moment. "Yes I happen to love the Beatles. My favorite song are probably Hey Jude and Here Comes the Sun."

"If anyone cares, I like I Wanna Hold Your Hand." Dragon commented.

She looked back down. "Kay next we have a question from SlightlyStrange."

~um... ooh~! I got a question~! How did you two start dating? Like who confessed? ^^~

"Didn't we answer something like this already?" England asked. Dragon shugged. "Who cares. It's a question."

"Well, I was ze one who confessed first." France said, "On Valentines Day." England blushed, "And then I confessed back."

"Aww! You two are so cute." Dragon squealed. The two nations stared. "Uh.... I mean, next question!"

ariannafox78 askes:

~Where did you meet and how? Also, How will you(England) keep America away? By the way, I love chapter 1!!!! ~

"Hmmm, we met a very long time ago." France said. "Yes, he took care of me when my brothers beat me up." England added, "I was very little at the time." "Oui 'e was très mignon. But I prefer 'im grown up." He wrapped him arms around England's waist and kissed his ear. England shivered. "Not here." France pouted. "Fine. Later." Blood trickled out of Dragon's nose.

"What do you mean, keep America away?" England asked, "Why would he care? He was like a little brother or a son to me. Same as Canada." France nodded. "Oui, Canada est come mon petit enfant." "Translation: Canada is like my child." Dragon added, "And I am glad you liked the first chapter :). Hopefully this one meets your expectations!"

She checked her mail one more time. "Well guys, I think that's all for today. Thanks so much to everyone who asked a question! And by the way, I dedicate the chapters to the first person to ask a question. Bye!"

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