Chapter eight

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"Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but I'm from Asgard, so call me Loki~" Dragon sang, dancing around the living room. France and England sat on the couch, watching her. "What is she doing" England asked. "I 'ave no idea." Dragon pulled out her eyebuds and grinned. "I'm worshiping my lord!" "Your who?" "My lord Loki!" The two nations looked at each other, and sighlently agreed not to ask. "Anyway Dragon," England said, "shouldn't we answer some questions? It's been a while." "Oh, that's right!" Dragon said, running over to her laptop and flipping it open. "Hmm, let's see." She hummed. "Awesome! We have a bunch! The first one is from the ever amazing, LucyxH!"

~*blushes as she comes down from their room with a DVD Case* I'm kinda glad I don't have cameras in my house.....>.> Anywho~ Since you two obviously don't know how to hide things -cough-porn-cough-........I've luckily noticed there are plenty of do you guys use them?~

England's eyes widened and he went bright red. "FRANCE!!!" France took a step back. "Eh...I can explain..." "YOU SAID YOU GOT RID OF ALL OF THAT!!!!!!" "Je suis desolé mon cher, vraiement, mais.." Dragon jumped between the two blondes. "Sadly, as this story is not rated R, I can not let you guys answer that question, or continue this fight! Next question!"

~Konichiwa! *bows* Greenland here! France! Um.....if you had to give up your Pervy-ness to save England's life, would you do it?! England= baby, Alli says hi~ Scotland- DON'T CALL ME ALLI, GAEL. Me- see! Anywho, which sibling is your favorite?~

"That is from caresbear626." Dragon noted. France looked at the question."Oh course I would! My England's life is much more important then anything!" he cried. England shuddered. "My brothers? Uhhh, I don't really have a favorite. They were all pretty cruel to me when I was little. They would, and still do, shoot arrows, throw stones, and send curses at me."

Dragon looked back at the computer. "Ok, the next one is from Kind_der_toten."

~What'd happen if France was somehow really ugly and wearing makeup?! Nein offence,France.~

France still looked insulted. "As if that could be possible!" he scoffed. Enland chuckled quietly. "It's alright love. Anyway, if that were the case, I would still love him as much as I do now. Even though he is absolutly beautiful, that isn't why I love him." Hekissed his partner, who looked touched. Dragon "awwed".

"You guys are so cute!" she squealed, "Anyway, here's our last question of the day! From mockingjaysong!"

~Heyo Iggy-brows and Francy-pants! Crap, been spending to much time with America...any-who~! What is your absolute fave Disney villain? And also, bros, on a scale of one to ten, how annoying is America?~

"Ten." All three replied immediatly. "Favorite disney villain?" England said. "Hmm, I'd say Ursula from Little Mermaid." "The witch doctor from A Frog Princess." France said. "Can I answer?" Dragon asked, "cause if I can, Loki from Avengers! Ehehehehe~" She looked down at her watch. "Anyway, that's all for today folks! Thanks for the questions! See you next time!"

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