Chapter nine

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"Achoo!" Dragon sneezed, from where she was sittng on the couch. Frace looked over at her, worried. "Are you sure you are ok, petit?" Dragon nodded. "Ja, I just have a bit of a cold, nothing to worry about." She got up and grabbed her computer. "Anyway, call England down here so we can answer some questions." The frenchman nodded, walking upstairs and returning a few minutes later with England. Dragon opened her computer, "Ok the first question is from Pineapplesnakes."

~Steve: Iggy, how could you? I thought you were on a honeymoon with Al?! Don't tell him, but I threw a party at our house I invited Tony too, but he wont come~ (That was random...)~

France and England stared blankly at the question. "What?" Dragon looked confused. "Steve, as in Captain America? Did Tony give you alchol or something?" She looked back down at the screen. "NExt up, LucyxH!"

~hmm..chocolate cookie sprinkles Anywho~ gracias for the complement Dragon (AWESOME NAME BTW~!) Anywho Britain.........*huge silence then i sigh and hugs you to death* Why don't my scones taste as delicious as yours!?~

"Why you are very welcome!" Dragon grinned. "And yes, it is an awesome name, though sadly, not my real one." England looked down at the girl hugging him. "Y-you like my scones?" A huge smile spread across his face. France looked horrified and slightly sick.

"Now we have another one from caresbear626." Dragon said, looking back at her screen.

~*appears in a puff is smoke* hello~ anyways, America sends love. As does Canada, and if you forget him I'll fuck you up. Anywho! If you all had to change into one animal. Which? You too admin~

Both Dragon and the nations jumped at the appearence of the girl. "I would never forget mon petit Canada!" Said France. "And I....try not to." Added England. Dragon looked a little nervous. " could I forget him? I mean, it's not like I'm realted to him or anything but I would forget him.... hehehe..." The two nations gave Dragon an odd look. "ANYWAY!" she shouted, "I would want to turn into a dragon. Or a cat of some kind. Like a tiger. Or maybe a snake" "I would like to be un chat (a cat) aussi." Said France. "And I think I would like to be a falcon." said England, "since they're such magestic birds."

Nodding, Dragon looked down and found the next question.

~England, why do people say they hate your scones? I think that they are delicious!!!~

England looked like he was about to cry from happiness. He turned to France. "See! I told you! I bloody told you! People do like my scones!" France looked very confused. "B-but...'ow iz zis possible?" England ignored him. "Thank you so much! I am not sure why your scones are different, but I can give you my recipe if you like."

Dragon sneezed. France frowned. "Zat iz enough! You are going to bed! Right now!" He scooped the girl up and carried her up to her room. "Wha-? France what are you doing?" "You 'ave a cold. You need to sleep." Dragon's eyes closed tiredly, and she yawned. "Al....right." France placed her gently down in her bed, and kissed her forehead. So did England. She yawned again. "Bon nuit grand pere....grandfather..." she muttered, before drifting off to sleep. France and England looked at each other in suprise. "What?!"

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