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The next day, Persephone's husband started to court her. 

It started with flowers waiting in her study after breakfast, a note telling her to have a wonderful day. 

When they met in the dining room for lunch, Hades held her chair out for her. He squeezed her hand as she left the table to oversee kitchen cleanup and tell the chef what to prepare for dinner.

They shared little smiles when they passed each other in the hallways. 

There was a new dress waiting on her bed when she went to change for dinner.

By the end of the day, Persephone couldn't wait to spend time with Hades at the dinner table.

"You look beautiful," he told her as she took her place at the table.

She smiled at him. "Thank you. And thank you for the dress. I love it."

He smiled at her. "I'm glad."

They talked while they ate. 

Hades was actually funny. She liked it.

She was really starting to like him.

They sat at the table long after the maid had cleared the table. They didn't go to bed until their sentences were punctuated by yawns and they were both leaning heavily on the table.

Hades walked her to her door again. 

Again, he cupped her cheek in his palm. This time, she grabbed his hand and held it to her cheek. She looked into his eyes and turned her face, kissing his palm. 

She released his hand.

"Good night," she murmured.

"Good night," he said softly.

He tucked a strand of hair behind her ears and went to his room.


The next two weeks went the same way.

Each day Persephone found herself missing him more when they were apart and wanting to stay with him when they were together. Each night they stayed up later and later, talking and laughing and not wanting to go their separate ways.

After dinner one night, they talked for two hours. Hades finally noticed the time and stood, holding out his hand. Persephone took it and they walked through the hallway, the same they'd done for the last two weeks.

They stopped at her door and he cupped her cheek in his palm. She leaned into his touch and smiled at him.

"Good night," he murmured, lingering for a while after he said it.

"Good night," she replied. She lingered, too.

Finally, he turned to walk away.

"Hey," she called when he reached his door.

He turned to her and she crooked her finger, silently beckoning him to her.

He crossed the distance between them in two swift steps and covered her mouth with his, her face in his hands.

She kissed him back, her hands traveling to his shoulders.

His arms slid around her waist and pulled her closer. She stood on her tiptoes, trying to get as close as possible to him. Her back bowed as he held her tighter.

Finally, they broke apart, breathing heavily and just looking at each other. Persephone looked at her hand, fisted in his shirt, and let go. 

Her hand traveled behind her to the doorknob, and she twisted it. 

The door swung open and he looked into her room, then down at her. His eyes were questioning.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and began backing into the room.

His eyes lit up and he closed the door behind her.


They stayed in bed all day the next day, kissing and laughing and doing other things and sleeping and kissing some more. They didn't even leave for dinner. They spent the night together again.

Persephone was blissful when she woke up in the morning. Hades didn't want to get out of bed, but she reminded him that her sisters were visiting today.

She stood and reached out a hand to help him out of bed. He grabbed it and pulled her right back into the circle of his arms, nibbling at her ear.

She laughed and pushed him away.

"Come on, Hades. We have the rest of our lives for that. We are married, you know."

He stopped, looking at her in wonder.

"What?" she asked.

"We really are married now," he said.

"We were before," she pointed out.

" the marriage is consummated. We are legitimately married."

She liked the way that sounded.

He kissed her passionately. When he pulled away, he rested his head on her stomach.

"I love you," she said lazily.

He kissed her stomach. "I love you, too."

They stayed in bed until noon, anyway.


Persephone pulled Hades with her to the parlor when her sisters arrived.

"I have to get to work," he objected.

"That can wait. Come meet my sisters."

So he rolled his eyes but followed her to the parlor, anyway.

Aphrodite and Athena both rushed to Persephone, pulling her in for the longest, tightest hug she'd ever received.

"I missed you so much," she breathed.

They pulled away, all three with watery eyes.

"We've missed you too," Athena sniffed.

They smiled at each other and Persephone backed away slightly, grabbing Hades's hand and bringing him forward.

"This is Hades."

He kissed her sisters' hands. They looked up over his head at Persephone, eyes wide and approving.

"He's gorgeous," Aphrodite mouthed.

Persephone stuffed her fist in her hand to keep from giggling. Hades returned to her side, fingers entwining with hers.

"It's lovely to meet you," Athena told him.

And so Persephone got to spend a whole day with her sisters and her husband. 

She'd never been happier.

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