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Persephone couldn't sleep that night. She was hungry, her knees ached, and her chest still hurt when she thought about what Hades had said to her. 

So when he came in the next morning to wake her, she was lying awake, braiding her hair and seriously thinking about her future.

He looked at the tray of fruit on the table and back to her, then back to the fruit. 

His face was unreadable.

"You picked it up?" he asked, voice gruff.


He looked back at her. 


"Contrary to your previous statement, I am not a spoiled brat. I wouldn't leave that lying there all night."

He picked up the tray. His face was completely expressionless, but his eyes were sorry. "Well. Let's get on with the morning, shall we? Come."

She slowly slid off of the cot, wincing when her feet touched the stone floor. 

She never expected the underworld to be so...cold. 

She followed Hades through the halls until they came to a parlor.

"This is where we have guests. You will be expected to greet them and make them feel welcome."

She nodded once. 

He spun on his heel and left the room. Persephone watched him go, resentment building.

Just because she wasn't acting like a brat anymore didn't mean she would be submissive and follow him like a dog.

She set her jaw and followed at her own pace. 

He slowed down, cutting his eyes at her. She held back a smile at the small victory.

The next room was the kitchen, where Persephone would oversee the staff to make sure they did their jobs.  Across the hall from the kitchen was a study that would belong entirely to her. There was a desk with an armchair where she could read, and a chair across from the desk for visitors. There was a bookshelf and a fireplace. 

"You are only to come here when you have finished your other duties."

She rolled her eyes and nodded once. Of course he would dictate even her free time.

"Do not roll your eyes at me."

She clenched her jaw and fought hard not to roll her eyes at him again. Instead, she made a ridiculously low bow. "Yes, Master. I apologize most sincerely for my actions. Please forgive me, I implore you."

He clenched his fists and looked at her with anger in his eyes.

"You would do well to remember what I said yesterday."

She looked away from him. "Trust me, I remember."

He looked at her for a moment, angry expression faltering. 

She straightened her spine and lifted her chin, refusing to let him pity her. She wished she wouldn't have said anything.

"What else?" she asked before he could speak.

"The bedrooms."

She followed him down the hallway.


Hades wanted soup and pumpkin bread for dinner, so Persephone was sent to tell the kitchen staff. She heard her name on her way in, so she stopped to listen.

"I'm so glad Hades has her," a chef sighed.

"Me, too. He's such a kind man. It killed me to see him so lonely," the one that had said her name agreed.

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