Six Weeks

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The next few days were the worst. 

Persephone refused to leave her room or talk to anyone. She knew she was being difficult, but she couldn't help it. 

She wanted nothing more than to feel Hades's arms around her and hear him tell her it would be okay.

A knock sounded at the door on the fourth day of Persephone's tiny rebellion. She reluctantly got up and opened the door.

Hades stepped into the room.

Persephone's eyes filled with tears and she threw herself into his arms. He caught her, swinging her around in a circle and pinning her against the wall.

"I've missed you," she whispered, tilting her head to look up at him.

His hand caressed her cheek. "I've missed you, too, my darling."

She leaned into his touch and took a moment to drink him in.

He was in green, and his gorgeous eyes looked like glowing emeralds. His hair looked soft and perfect. His lips had never looked so kissable, his body so strong.

She looped her arms around his neck and he bent down to kiss her. The moment their lips touched, Persephone relaxed for the first time in two weeks.

"I love you," she said against his lips.

He kissed her again. "I love you, too."

"What are you doing here?"

"Your mother is watching over our home tonight. She let me come stay with you. Your sisters are gone for the night, as well."

Persephone felt a strong rush of affection and gratitude for her family. 

It quickly passed, however, as she saw the wicked gleam in Hades's eyes.


Persephone grabbed her husband's arm as he prepared to leave the next morning.

"Stay for five more minutes," she pleaded.

He looked between her and the door, torn, for a good ten seconds, then jumped back into bed. She smiled as their bodies intertwined.

She laid her head on his chest and rubbed her foot gently down his leg. He stroked her hair, his other arm around her waist.

"You're making it too hard to leave," he whispered, his lips brushing her ear.

She planted a lingering kiss on his lips. "Stay," she replied.

He groaned and kissed her, hard, twice. "You have no idea how badly I want to."

She sighed, running her hand down his chest. He stopped it when it reached his abdomen. 

"Not now. I'll never leave."

She sighed again. "I wish you didn't have to. I'm sorry my f- Zeus- is doing this."

Hades tightened his arms around her. "I am, too. But don't worry, my beautiful Persephone; we'll be together soon. And in the mean time, please try to be happy. It makes me miserable to see you so upset."

She nodded. "I'll try. Sorry."

"Don't apologize."



They laughed. Then Persephone sighed, knowing he had to leave now.

He kissed her one last time, then reluctantly shoved himself out of bed. Persephone watched as he dressed and walked to the door.

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