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Persephone was called away from the breakfast table the next morning by a servant. She gave Hades an apologetic look and left for the parlor, smoothing her dress and making sure her hair was presentable.

Her mother stood by the fireplace, hands clasped tightly.

She'd lost weight. Her hair- normally so perfect- was falling from its braid. There were bags under her eyes and she was pale.

Persephone ran to her. 


Demeter embraced her, holding her tightly. 

"Oh, Persephone, you look so much better. You look...happy."

"I am. I really am."

Her mother smiled sadly. 

"What?" she asked.

"I've been so worried...I've let the whole Earth go cold and frozen. Everything is dying. Zeus has gotten so worried that he's agreed to take off the curse and let you leave the underworld."

Persephone stiffened. She couldn't leave. Not now that she was in love and felt at home.

"Mother...I love Hades."

"You don't miss Earth? Me? Your sisters, Melite, Apollo...?"

"Of course I do. Every day. But I've learned to like it here, as well."

"If you miss it, you should go,"  Hades said from the doorway.

She spun around quickly.

"When did you get here?" she asked.

He stepped in the room. "I've heard everything. You may go, Persephone."

She crossed the room, grabbing his hand. "I want to stay with you."

He smiled at her. "I know you do. And that's enough. I know I'm loved, and so I'm happy. Go with your mother. Your family needs you."

She stepped away. "I don't want to."

Demeter grabbed her arm. "Persephone, I know you. You do."

She studied her mother's tired face and thought of her friends and family. She pictured going back to Earth and being reunited, seeing her field, smelling the flowers and breathing the fresh, clean air...

She turned to Hades. He opened his arms and she ran to him, embracing him.

"Go. Go see your friends and family. I'll be waiting when you're ready to come back."

"Can't you come with me?"

"And leave the underworld unattended? No."

She looked at him sadly. "I..."

He released her. "I know. Go."

She kissed him sadly and went with her mother, wondering all the while if she was making a huge mistake.


Earth was not like Persephone remembered it. Where there used to be grass and flowers and trees and vivid colors, there was only white. She'd never seen snow before, and she didn't like it. It was cold and she could see the lack of life outside. But as she walked further away from the cave to the underworld, her arm in her mother's, it slowly melted away. 

By the time they reached their home, the grass was soft beneath her feet and the sun warmed her skin. She hesitated outside, arms outsretched and face tilted to the sun. 

Despite her happiness with Hades, she had missed this.

She walked into the house and was shocked to see Melite and her nymph friends, Apollo, Poseidon, and Zeus waiting with her sisters. Apollo and Melite were sitting very close, hands linked.

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