Finally Reunited

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Persephone reached the entrance to the underworld and heaved a sigh of relief when she left the sunshine. She loved the earth, but she was immensely glad to be home where she belonged.

A carriage was waiting for her a few feet into the cave. She eagerly climbed in and let it take her to the ballroom that she'd once hated, but now looked at fondly. The room she'd been married in.

She looked around eagerly for Hades, but didn't see him. She headed for the parlor, squashing her disappointment.

He was absent.

Frowning, she checked her study, the kitchen, the dining room, and their bedroom, even checking the room he'd stayed in while he was courting her. He was nowhere to be found.

Disappointment crushed her as she sank onto the cold bed. She heaved a heavy sigh, wondering if she was too attached...if he really loved her as much as she loved him. Why wasn't he there to welcome her home?

Her eyes filled with tears as her face blushed with shame. She'd made a fool of herself, sulking while she was away from him and telling everybody how in love they were...and he didn't even care enough to greet her after six weeks spent apart.

Not only did he fail to greet her, but he seemed to actually be hiding from her.

She swiped at her face, halting the flow of tears. She would be strong and not embarrass herself further by crying over the fool.

Because he was a fool if he was treating her this way.

She stood from the unfamiliar bed and straightened her spine, holding her chin up as she marched back to the dining room for dinner.


Hades rose from his seat at the head of the table, his face filled with joy. He ran to Persephone, wrapping his arms around her. Though she yearned to lean into him and kiss him senseless, she remained stiff and unmoving. He pulled away, bewildered.

"My beautiful Persephone, what ever is the matter? I've missed you so."

"Not enough to greet me after six weeks apart, apparently," she accused, hating how vulnerable her voice sounded. She tried to fix that as she went on, but failed miserably. "I arrived and found myself utterly alone. I looked everywhere for you, all to no avail."

She removed herself from his arms and walked proudly to her seat opposite him at the table. "But no matter, I see that I've been foolish to think you wanted to see me again."

His jaw dropped and he dissolved into a fit of laughter.

Her eyes filled with tears as her suspicions were confirmed. She had been quite foolish. So foolish that he was laughing at her.

He sobered at the sight of her tears, literally running to her side, and clutched her hands in his. She refused to look him in the eyes while he spoke.

"My darling, I was meeting with your father when you arrived!"

She finally turned her face to him, eyes wide with shock. "Excuse me?"

"He told me you would have to leave again in a month, and that simply would not do. We came to an agreement."

She eagerly clutched his hands now, no longer unresponsive to his touch. "Oh, what is it?"

"You are to stay with me for a whole year, then visit the earth for a month and return. I'll be able to escort you there, visit you halfway through your stay, and bring you home."

She threw her arms around him, her smile huge. "Oh, Hades, I'm so happy!"

He picked her up, spinning her around in a circle before gently setting her down on her feet and pulling her to him. His hands were warm on her waist, the lack of space between them generating heat. Persephone found herself blushing.

He gazed into her eyes, his own gorgeous ones intense.

"I am, too, my darling Persephone. I love you," he told her softly.

"I love you too," she murmured.

And he crushed her to him, finally giving her her long overdue kiss.

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