Initiation part 3

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Once again behind the tall rocks, we came to the start of an obsticle course-like place.

"Alright, you have to climb over that rock, under that rope, through that pit of rocks, jump over that log, and dodge the surprise at the end. one at a time and the others stay blind folded so that you can't see the surprise. Questions?" Said Party Poison.

We all shook our heads and when Fun Ghoul asked who was going first, we decided to just keep the order, leaving me and Kat to get blind folded.

"On your mark, get set......GO!" yelled Party. I couldn't hear anything except for Kat's breathing and the occasional 'Keep Going!' from Jet Star. He must be the team cheerleader I thought with a grin.

After a few more minutes of patiently waiting and I heard cheers from the guys. And then Gee panting. Once I heard kat being lifted up and Gee sitting down, I sighed and got ready to wait some more, my ass goig numb. Stupid dirt. I heard Party do the whole ready set go thing and then I realized that this test may make or break my stay. What would they do if I couldn't do this? What if I got so tired I collapsed in the middle of the course and never made it? Would they kill me? They couldn't send me back, in fear of me wanting revenge and telling everyone where we were. I mean, they knew but for all they know we're only here for a few days. Maybe. I don't even know. Why am i freaking out?

As soon as I finished my flash panick attack, I heard the guys cheer once more and a heavily breathing Kat. She had gotten done alot faster then Gee. Or maybe my freak out made time speed up.

As I felt myself gently being lifted, I felt a tingly feeling shoot from my elbow, where whoever was holding me, to the pit of my stomach. Wtf? before I coulod think about it though the blind fold came off and I was blinded by the light. Jesus. I blinked a few times and looked at the course. It actually didn't look too hard.

"Ready" I heard Party say. I cleared my head of thoughts.

"Set....." I got ready to run.


I bolted as fast as I could toward the rock, then diving over it, doing a tuck and roll to keep going. I got a cheer from Jet Star which made me smile. As I came to the rope, I did a little jump like thing and ducked under it. For the rocks, I slowed a little and soon realized the pit was barely to my ankles. So, I kept going at my fast pace, ignoring the little bit of scraping I got from the stones. The log was perched on top of rocks, so that it was at least level with my chest. I jumped up and grabbed a branch, praying to God it wouldn't snap. Thankfully it didn't and I climbed over and jumped down. Now the damn surprise. I slowed just slightly, bracing myself for anything. And then out of no where a dummy with a white coat on was flung at me. Without thinking I slowed up, grabbed the dummys arm and threw it over my shoulder. And then I kept going. When I got to the finish line i was out of breath and the knot on my side was stinging like a bitch but I didn't care. I could tell by the guys faes something was up. Either I did good, or I completely sucked. Then I felt familiar arms hug me. Gee and Kat. I turned and hugged them fully, hoping I'd get to stay. After a few seconds we let go and looked at the guys. They were in a huddle and talking really fast. Finally, they all turned and looked at us.

"Welcome Killjoys." Party Poison said with a sexy ass smirk.

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