A New Kind of Low

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That night was absolutely terrible. I was hysterically crying the whole time, hugging everything in my room, from all my books to my dragon statues. I'd decided to take a photo book and filled it with all the photos I thought I's want, including some from drama and when I was really little. I kept looking at Gee's note, and the more I thought about it the more I was ready to go with them. In our group, there was no 'leader' but I was always the voice of reason, Kat was the one keeping us in the loop of gossip and music, and Gee was the crazy, rule-breaking one. I was still crying hysterically, my eyes getting itchy from the amount of tears sreaming from them when I heard it. The radio downstairs. The guy that always talked on it was telling everyone that the radio was no longer theirs, that it had been taken over. I stopped sobbing, the tears flowing silently, straining to hear more.

"The problem is nothing major of course, but many times has it been cut into, so this is the last broadcast that will ever be. Anyone found with a radio that is in working condition will be fined and removed from safety. Remember, this is to keep everyone safe. And so, this is Better Living Industries, signing off."

With that, the radio played only static. I leaned from my door and curled up into a ball. I didn't think about the radio or the fancy buisness people or even memories of the house I would forever be leaving. I was thinking of an escape plan.


The next day, everyone looked exhausted, but no one complained. Over night, huge trucks had come into town, and they were boarding people to leave for the train. I got in one and was surprised to see both Gee and Kat in the back. Waving slightly, I moved over to them, and we gave eachother hugs.

"So, I got it, and i am definetely going to." I said. I had a feeling we were being listened to, so I hid the meaning, though they both caught it.

"Really? Good. You don't happen to know how, do you?" asked Kat, trying to sound like normal. But she was figeting slightly, a sure sign she was excited.I smiled as much as could and nodded. They both let out sighs of releif, making me nervous.

"You guys just thought you could say you had to pee and then leave? Obviously they know what their doing. With the canopy over us, we can't jump out and run for the trees. And their taking us to a train. Not many people can jump off and survive." I said. I had it all worked out, but it couldn't start till we got to Cali. They both looked at the drape over our heads and nodded, not really looking at anything. I sat back and tried to relaxe as the truck taking us started. When everyone was out of the town however, we all heard the most massive booming noise ever. Everyone ran to the opened back, looking to see what it was. The plae we all called home, our little town, had just been blown from existence. Some people were extreamly pissed and started shouting and kicking, but then people that were dressed in black came and knocked them on the head, making them all stay quiet. Others, just sat back and either retreated to their own thoughts or started silently crying. I was a thinking and so was Gee, but Kat was in hysterics. She had left behind her cat, hoping he culd find a way to live in the wild. Gee was hugging her while I stayed silent. A few hours later, everyone silently got off the trucks and boarded a train. The seats used to look noce, but now they had hole and stains in them. I sat by Gee and Kat of course while our parents fount their own seats. Knowing the ride was gonna be long, I tried to talk to the girls about stuff, but it always reminded us of home. Or what that used to be. Looking out of the window, I watched all the trees pass us. Soon though, the only thing to be seen were baren lands, all looking deserted and....lonely. There could have been towns like ours destroyed by the people we(well, the others) had trusted, kinda. With a sigh I turned from the window to see both the girls sleeping. With a small smile I looked around and found a small blanket and covered them. Turning to the window again, I let a few tears out. Huddling into the corner between the window and the seat, I closed my tired, slightly swollen eyes and fell asleep.


I was back home. Outside. Before the war. The wind was flying past me as I looked around noticing I was on my old bike. Laughing, I rode all the way Gee's house, and stopped. The house was in flames. Screams were coming out of it. Without thiking, I threw my bike down and ran inside. Mrs. Wessel was screaming on the floor. Helping her up, I pointed towards the door and watched her leave. Now, the heat and smoke were starting to get to me. crouching down, sweating like a pig(so gross) I made my way for the stairs. THe screaming was coming where I hoped it wouldn't. Gee's room. Running, I got to her door, but it was blocked by something on the other side. Slamming my body into it, i knew I bruised my shoulder, but the door didn't budge. The screams got louder, if possible, and deperation and adrenilin took over. I kicked the door a few times, and finally it opened. I had to gasp at the horrific sight. Both my friends stopped screaming and looked at me. Except, they were so burnt they didn't look like my friends, but monsters. They both tried walking towards me, but Kat tripped, pulling Gee with her. Backing slowly, I realized no matter what they looked like, I loved them. Taking a deep breath, causing me to cough, I stepped forward only to jump back as a section of the room fell in front of me. Crushing my friends.


I woke up with a start and landed on the floor. Both Gee and Kat looked at me with puzzeled looks, then burst out laughing. I started laughing, and hugged them both, thankful that they were still here. I got up and sat in my seat across from them. They were both still laughing at me until a lady with a pinched face and gray hair came in and told us we would be leaving to train and entering BL/Ind. safe haven soon. With a nod from all of us, she left. The girls looked at me, and I nodded again to them. Time for the plan,

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