Realistic Horror

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He led me to a little cave like thing just on the outside of the party. At first it was kinda awkward, neither of us really making small talk. Finally though, we did start a convorsation. About donuts.

"But the jelly filled kind are so much better!" I said, practically yelling.

"No way in hell, glazed is!" he replied back, smiling like an idiot.

"Why then? Because the jelly kind has sweetness you have to eat to, and its not just colored sugar."

"That's the point though! It's only sugar and some water! And it's super nummy." he said with a distant look to his face.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just miss donuts. I mean, they're small, but so good." he said with a pouting face. I just smiled and shook my head at him. After a few more minutes of arguing about donuts, I was laughing loudly and my stomach hurt from it. He was laughing too, but not as hysterically as me. I stopped and looked at him.

"You kn-" I started. But I was interupted by a sound that froze me to the core. There was shooting going on. At the party. Without thinking, I got up and ran as fast as I could to them, Kat and Gee. I heard Lucas yelling behind me to stop, but I couldn't. If they got hurt.....I couldn't think like that, not now. When I got there, all hell was loose. There were so many people on the ground, bleeding or dead, but there were even more fighting a ton of white dracs. I ran around the edge of everything, hoping to stay out of it and find the girls. But of course, luck wasn't with me. A drac tried grabbing me from behind, but I bit his finger, turned around and kneed him where the sun don't shine. When he was down, I kicked him in the stomach as hard as I could and then started running again. After a few minutes, I thought I heard Kat scream and I paused. I saw her. Being dragged by a drac to a white van. I ran as fast as I could, and hoped to god she could some how stall him. Or she'd be gone forever and I'd wilt to nothing. As I got closer, another drac jumped out of the van and pointed his gun at me, but I had no thought to stop or turn. Then, at the last second, two lasers shot from behind me and both hit the drac square in the chest. I wanted to turn and say thank you, but the other drac already had Kat in the van and was running for the drivers seat. When the van started, I opened and jumped in next to him in the passenger seat. Thinking of all the action movies I used to watch, I punched him in the nose and grabbed the steering wheel, almost making us flip. I elbowed him in the face and was surprised when he went limp. Slamming on the brakes while practically sitting in his lap, I turned the car off and got out. Opening the back, I almost started crying. Kat was crying in the far corner, tied to a bar in the floor. I jumped up and untied her and unbound her mouth.

"Oh my god Casey! I'm so sorry. I-I tried to stop him. He was gonna hurt Gee." She said between sobbing. I just grabbed her hand and ran out of the van. We ran back to where everyone else was and immediately started screaming for Gee. When we found her, she was whispering to Dancing Shadows, tears running down her face. When Kat called her though, she immediatly stopped and attacked us into a giant bear hug. We all started crying, holding on to each other like we'd never let go. But we did. Turning around, I almost started crying again. There were people like us, hugging others, but many more crying over the bodies of loved ones. One girl had to be carried away from a guy she was hugging and another scream- cried next to what seemed to be her sister. The guys from the band were gathering a few people, whispering like crazy. Then I realized all those people were our friends. I looked at the floor, not wanting to see anymore of tears or sadness though I knew I'd always remember it.

"Hey Casey, they want you over there." said Gee. I looked up too see the guys and our friends waving me over.

"I'll be right back." I said. I almost puked while walking too them. Stepping over three dead bodies was not my favorite thing. When I finally got there Dream Catcher hugged me, catching me off guard.

"You didn't even have anything to protect your self and you run into the heat of fire for your friends. You're retarted. But it got you brownie points." he said.

"Hey, my names Party Poison. This is Kobra Kid, Fun Ghoul, and Jet Star. Dream here told us what you did and Flaming Gasoline told us about your friend and the dracs. You got some serious balls. I was wondering if you wanted to be part of our group. We do rescue missions and scout out for new places to stay." said the red haired guy. I listened to all he said, and after a few minutes thought, I nodded, getting whoos and high fives from all of them.

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