Sunrise beauty

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We followed them for a few minutes and then heard music. Squinting my eyes, I tried to see where the sound was coming from, but I couldn't see anything. I glanced at Gee and Kat and they were looking around too. The five in front of us walked behind a HUGE boulder and then we saw them all. There was a huge party like thing going on, with a few cars and trailers around. Everyone was smiling and dancing to the music, which Gee had already started dancing too. Smiling at her, I almost ran into Dream Catcher. Taking a small step back, I looked at a stage like thing and saw five crazy looking men on stage, making the music. There was one with a crazy awesome fro, another with tattoos all over his body, one had and kept a perfect poker face, and the last one had bright red hair. I turned to see Kat, but her and Gee had vanished into the crowd, probably dancing their asses off to the music. Smiling, I looked around and realized everyone but the guys on stage were around 16 or 17. Bobbing my head to the music, I caught sight of  Gee and yelled for her, but you couldn't hear anything over the music. As I started walking towards, I felt someone grab me from behind, snaking his arms around my waist. I knew I shouldn't have, but I instantly felt relaxed instead of frightened of the stranger. Turning to see who it was, I was surprised at who I saw. Dream Catcher.

"Do you know how to dance?" he asked, his breath tickling my ear

"Not very well, but enough." I replied. He smiled and dragged me to the center of the crowd. Dancing like a fool, we both ended up laughing at the others lack of skills. Soon all we were doing was swinging our arms, holding hands, and smiling so largly my face hurt. I hadn't smiled like this in a few days, and it felt good. Glancing around I saw both Kat and Gee dancing with some guys, so I figured they were ok. The sun was completely gone, and lights came on all around us. They looked like the ones used fro football fields. Dream Catcher pulled me to him and gave me a really big hug. I looked up at him in confusion, hoping he'd give me a reason why he was acting like he knew me.

"You don't know who I am, do you?" he asked.

"Should I?" Now I was really confused.

"Probably not. I just remember you from the 4th grade. We had Mrs. Clays class together before I had to move again." he replied. I looked at him with my mouth wide open. I couldn't remember pas a few years ago, how'd he remember me from 7?

"What's your real name?" I asked. Maybe it'd ring a bell......


I gasped, my eyes getting big as recognition hit. We dated for a few months I think.

"Oh my goodness! Hey!" I said, hugging him. He just smiled and hugged me back.

"You know, I really don't remember much about you except you always gave me the pudding your mom would pack for your lunch." I said laughing. He laughed too and shook his head slightly.

"You don't remember our almost kiss under the jungle gym outside? We were two seconds away when Deseray came and started screaming." he asked. By the way he said her name, I could tell he hated Deseray. I shook my head with a smile as the memory came back. We were talking about kissing, and all of a sudden, he started leaning towards me. I closed my eyes and then I heard screaming. Deseray was looking at us, and then she ran for the lunch lady to tell on us. Lucas had gotten angry and took my hand, leading us towards the swings. But being him, the careful person he was, he didn't try to kiss me again. A few days later, he had told me he was moving again, and then he was gone. Coming back from the flashback, I looked up at him, and I could kinda see the kid in him that I used to know.

"Oh yea! And you got so mad your face turned bright red! Those were good times." I said.

"You want to leave this crowd and talk some more?" he asked. I looked around, but both Kat and Gee were still dancing like crazy, so I nodded my head. His smile got huge as he grabbed my hand.

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