Chapter 5

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(your POV)

After we all agreed to play tag with sister ari and sister krone we all ran to hide we hear sister krone counting as it's faded

I climb at a tree and jump to a taller tree after that I focused on hiding my presence I then saw sister ari and I followed her while I'm still at the taller trees

Sister ari then stop on running and placed her hand to her ears

She's listening to our footsteps and sound

I also stop running ang I then control my breathing after that I saw sister ari running to the rocky place

I hear sister krone calling emma and I just hid to a tree and I saw both sister krone and sister ari looking at each other and started finding emma

I think sister ari already seen her because she look at a one perticular rock and then sat

Emma~" sister krone sing I cringed at the way she called emma

You know emma norman's weakness was that he had a weak body and there is also one particular person that became his weakness" sister krone sang again I saw sister ari threw a boots at her but she catch it and pass the boots to sister ari

Then ray~ hmmm well he's too quick to give up, he makes decision fasts and then abandoned it" sister krone sing sang again I raised my eyebrows

Where the hell did she get all of those?-

I realized that mama probably tell her

Y/n well she's just too innocent" sister krone said I wanna let out a giggle but I stop it

Me? innocent ? Where the hell did you get that!?

Emma you know you weakness is your naiveté look how naive you are to carry two children while you were being chased" sister ari said in her calm demanour

I became lost at my thoughts I didn't notice sister ari creeping up behind me

Found you y/n-chan" sister ari whispered at my right ear it sent shivers to my spine and I went to cover my mouth

She smiled sweetly at me and leaned closer to my ear

(Norman's POV)

As me and ray ran in the forest while sister krone following us me and ray split up and I saw sister krone turn a sharp turn to me

I ran to the rocky place and went up to one of the rocks and stare dead at the soul of sister krone she had her eyes widden

I looked around and saw sister ari and y/n sitting on a thick branch of three chatting and giggling

I wonder what they were talking about

Time's up" ray popped out of nowhere

I then jumped in the rocks then reached sister ari and y/n

It's already done" I said to the both of them
They just smiled and jump off the three sister ari then patted my head and y/n's head then went to sister krone who's eyes was still widden


After the game of tag me and sister ari starts to hangup

We would constantly tell stories to each other
Went to the kitchen in the middle of the night to steal cookies
Throwing pranks at sister krone
Playing with the kids

I learned that sister ari was actually a lesbian at first I was shocked then she just smiled at me

Y/n can we talk for a bit?" Norman approch me in the nursery room

I then nodded and went with him

So what's up?" I asked norman he then take a deep breath and held my shoulders

Well you see both me and ray thinks that there's a traitor" he started my eyes widden and nodded for him to continue

So first we were thinking of  letting don and gilda know
Then like ray and I set a trap to find out who the traitor is" he said and I nodded and listen carefully

Do you think it's" i asked him and he just nodded

But we will going to know if it's true" norman said and I nodded

I put ropes for three people one in the library, one under my bed, and one in the ceiling" norman said and I nodded again

I will tell ray din ang gilda the ropes and if one of them are gone then it's them" he finished and I nodded

That's smart norman " I smiled at him and patted his head

Norman held my hand again and dragged me to his bed

What's up with you?" I asked him and he just smiled and cuddled me to the bed again

You really like cuddling with me don't you?" I giggled I feel norman buried his head in my head and I just smile and wrap my arms around his

Waist and leaned closer to his chest and went to sleep

I feel norman kissed my forehead and both of us drift to sleep.


So I was supposed to upload this yesterday but the wifi shutted down with no particular reason 😃

My Angel(Norman X reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora