Chapter 36

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(Third person's POV)

"The madam and the boss are back!" Some kids announced as they seen y/n and Norman taking off their hood as they entered the paradise hideout.

They then sees Vincent, Leslie,smee,and Barbara by their office.

"The alliance?" Leslie asked them, y/n smiled at the older male, who seems to understand what that smile means

"Then that means" cislo cutted off as he was stomping his way to y/n and Norman.

As they turned to their room they sees two teens standing infront of them, Barbara let out a gasp while cislo paused.

As they turned to their room they sees two teens standing infront of them, Barbara let out a gasp while cislo paused

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(I just can't leave this panel alone😭)

"norman,y/n can we talk?" Emma asked them in a low tone, Norman and y/n looked at each other before they nodded and makes their way to Norman's office.

As they entered their office y/n and Norman got tackled by Aurora and Archer who seems to be waiting for their return.

"MOM,DAD!!" Aurora and Arche cheered in unison as they cling to their parents.

"Hello luv" Norman greeted his kids as he kissed their foreheads.

"Where's your aunty Lyn?" Y/n asked arch who were being his face on y/n's neck

"Aunty Lyn said she'll go exploring some farms" Aurora answered, y/n then nodded while Norman looked quite bothered and suspicious.

"It seems like she used to haunt and explore quite a lot this days" Norman said, y/n shrugged before she sits on the couch

"So ray, Emma is their something we could do for the both of you?" Y/n asked as she lay arch on her lap.

"One quick question for the both of you" ray said while pointing at y/n and ray

"When Norman said that he will exterminate the demons without losing a single person" ray started his tone slowly becomes serious "you two will commit genocide aren't you?" Ray continued making Emma,y/n, Norman tensed up while Aurora and Arche looked at each other before tilting their head

"Mum what's geno-sayd?" Arche asked while looking to his mother, y/n smiled at him before he put him down.

"Why not you two play with other kids,or wait for aunty Lyn, this is a adults matter luv" y/n said, Norman then put Aurora down before the twins ran outside of the office.

"Genocide?" Emma dumbfoundedly asked, Norman then smiled and snapped his fingers

"Yes indeed!you really catch on pretty quickly!" Norman said while smiling.

"You two will perform a genocide against the demons?" Ray asked turning to y/n who went to look the other way

"Well it's more like making them crush each other" y/n said thin sweat coming from her forehead while Emma look at them dumbfounded.

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