Chapter 40

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This will be focused on different POV

(Your POV)

We are now on stand by gazing at the sight of the village who will be gone any moment right now

I look over to norman who have his usual calm demanour, but as you stared in his eyes long enough you will see the doubt and anxious.

I walk over to him and patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry love,we planned this for over like years now." I said

"I planned to use this to manipulate some people just to keep us safe" I thought

"Yes..we did.." norman let out a breathy sigh and held my hand and intertwined it with him.

"When this is over now, love I want to marry you like the book we used to read when we're still a kid" he said giving me a genuine smile

"I do want to create a family with you l,but now we already have both Arche and Aurora and so I already have you as the mother of my children" he continued I smiled at him and cupped his cheeks and kissed his lips softly.

"We will succeed love" I reassured him, he then nodded at me before he held my hand tighter.

"Yes we will succeed anytime soon" I thought

(Lyn's POV)

I was still with the two gracefield kids who were named don and gilda,and so I do know that y/n and the others will be assembling soon enough.

I then looked over to Ayshe a girl who were raised by the demon, I do feel kind of disgusted about the idea of a demon raising a kid

But the more I will see Ayshe the more she remind me of my sister, she have a white hair like both me and my sister this girl have dark skin and have dogs following her around

When we first see her she held a hostile look at us seeing tht we killed her father

As I was to say cislo did kinda look creepy when he approached Ayshe.

This girl keeps on speaking demon language and keeps muttering that she will kill us especially me who were the one who strike her  father.

Too bad because I see her as my younger sister but this girl look at me like I'm a monster.

She was still pretty obedient I will likely to say.

I looked over to her and see her speaking with din and gilda. She then led then to turn around and she faces me while don and gilda's back was faced towards me.

She look at me and slowly nodded her head indicating that they did infact will try to let maiden escape.

I sigh at myself and make my way to a taller tree while Ayshe distract them I then started to went to different direction and runs towards the certain farm.

"A little bit of letting y/n manipulate things will lead us to stop the genocide and to save my sister and Isabella" I said to myself.

(Ari's POV)

I sigh to myself looking at Isabella who were now a grandma. She was anxious and walk back and forth around her office.

She was like that after I tell them about the plan of y/n and Norman who Lyn were now taking care off.

"What if they got in trouble?!" Isabella suddenly said making me spit some tea that I'm drinking

"Oh come one Isabella you were the one who raised why can't you trust them" I looked at her and wipes off the tea with my handkerchief

She glared at me making me flinch and hiccup

"Yes I was the one who raised them but I didn't raised them like this!" She argue,I sigh in annoyance and looked at her straight to the eye

"Listen Isabella, you were Right that you don't raise them like that but their are some thing that you don't know, dumbass! You don't even know that those two were always fucking when they were still in the orphanage!"

"And y/n was probably pregnant-" I argued but was cutted off when Isabella threw her indoor shoes to me

"Shut up Ari" she glared at me, I then rolled my eyes to her and slump myself back at the couch

"But as you know grandma,y/n will be going to manipulate some strings and will attack this place later on and so we shall be ready at the time" I said she nodded at me and sighs, I poured some tea in her empty cup and let her drink it.

"Is the sisters ready?" She asked,and I just nodded

"This time human will win against the demon who were taking control of us ever since" I muttered.

"We will finally can love them normally" Isabella sigh while smiling at herself

" I will finally grand leslie's wish for me to be happy" Isabella continued, I looked at Isabella and smiled

"Yeah..both of you will be happy this time, I hope you both have the happy endings you deserve" I muttered

"What did you say Ari?"



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