Chapter 27

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(third person's POV)

Finally,I get a chance to beat that doll face of yours" peter said wiping some blood off his hands

Lyn was just sitting on letting the blood that was dripping on her face dry,her head was looking at the floor,her hair that was usually tied up was now a mess.she then wears her clean lab coat.

Peter then kicked Lyn across the face and grabs her hair making her look at him

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Peter then kicked Lyn across the face and grabs her hair making her look at him

You filthy brat! Both of you and your sister!" Ratri spat in her face,Lyn then glared at him and punched him across the face

You fucking bastard,how dare you call my sister brat I'm the only one who were allowed to insult her you hear me?" Lyn said and starts to kick peter

Peter then kicked Lyn's foot,making Lyn lose her balance, he then went to kick her stomach making Lyn curled into a ball while whimpering

He then went on and point a gun to Lyn

You've been pretty useful on the experiments till now,sadly you are a traitor just like my brother shoulder

Lyn let's out a scream as she gets the knife that both her and her sister had.

She then stabbed ratri's foot before she flipped herself,standing up and ran to the door.

She then stand up on where the bomb was placed as flashbacks on their plan last week

We should put the bomb near the office of the other doctors here"smee said putting a hand on his chin

Yeah so then we could also buy time" Lyn agreed

On top of that the exit was in the other side of the building they will be severely injured if they would be close to the bomb" leslie said looking at the bomb on hand

Y/n looked at the three adult who were separated by the window

But who will hold the button?" Y/n asked,Lyn then raised her hand

Norman then nodded

Doors on isolation room will gonna open and take that chance to escape,I also have a favour for you guys, I'll just tell you when time comes" Lyn said before standing up

Let's end here" leslie said gathering the bombs

Lyn let out a laugh after she sees peter about to launch at her

See you in hell fucker!" Lyn said clicking the button that will going to trigger the bombs

Peter see everything in slow motion, she sees how a flash of bomb flashed in his side,how Lyn grinned after she clicked a button, on how blood of the other doctors went across her face

On the other side norman heared a loud bang then the door of his room opened

He looked at the door and rans outside, he ran through, and went to a certain isolation room, he bumped at a girl,he immediately looked at it and saw y/n

Norman!" Y/n exclaimed, she then grabbed norman's hand as she dragged him to the room where Lyn usually enter,they then see smee and leslie tanning to them

Where the fuck is Amilyn?!" Smee asked them trying to catch his breath

What I thought she was with you?!and why did she clicked the button so early?!" Norman said they then stared at each other, smee slowly shakes his head

You guys open that door and get vincent" leslie said before they ran in separate ways, y/n then tensed up before she then grabbed norman and went to the door

I already lose ari, what if I also lose Lyn?!" Y/n thought as she opened the door

She then see barbara sitting on the floor, zazie was throwing a tantrum,cislo was trying to calm barbara,vincent was trying to held zazie back

Y/n then went to zazie and gets his tiger plushie giving it to him, he slowly calmed down

Y/n-chan what's happening?!" Barbara asked

C'mon now let's escape" y/n exclaimed as she held zazie. Norman was standing there in shocked

Where's miss ami?!" Vincent asked

She was with Leslie and smee...I think" y/n said whispering the last words they then ran outside

Wait wait wait, leslie said there's a weapon room here" norman said and runs to a certain room

Zazie can you break the door?" Y/n asked the overgrown kid

Zazie let out some unintelligible language before he slam himself to the door, it then opened showing a room full of different weapon

Grab everything you guys need" vincent said before he pulled a pistol

Y/n was walking to some isle as she saw a certain suitcase, remembering that it was the suitcase that was taken away from her, she then opened it and saw it was already clean but the two black brains was still in the muriatic acid but it was getting smaller, she then saw a certain black knife

She then held the knife close to her and smirked

Come along now" leslie suddenly popped on the door

Where's miss Lyn?!" Barbara asked first

She is injured but she can handle let's go now" leslie said they then nodded and went outside

Cislo,barbara,zazie and leslie were turning turns on killing the demons which gets in their way

Usually norman and vincent will fire but they were busy on getting some data on the demons

They then reached the exit where smee and Lyn was waiting

You said she can handle!" Cislo said pointing at Lyn who were now super bloody

Blood dripping in her lips,her shoulder and can't barely even stand she was just holding on smee for support

Zazie can you carry Lyn?" Leslie asked, zazie then nodded his head as he carried Lyn

You guys can keep up right?" Smee asked, before norman says that he was pretty weak at running cislo already carried him

It's faster this way boss" cislo grinned before they ran towards the woods with barbara,vincent, leslie,smee and zazie

Barbara then turned reached over to cislo and gives norman the button for self destruction

Norman looked at the button for a moment before he clicked it

The group then disappeared in the forest not knowing that There's a certain blonde guy who survived and now was staring at the lambda building slowly burning to it's ruins


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