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Sarah had a hard time sleeping last night, thanks to the one and only Alex Thacker. 

So today she was extra irritated, still having to give one hundred percent in her studies and dance. She trudged across the deserted parking lot towards the old athletic building, hoping to get a quick hot shower and get back to her dorm by ten pm so she could get plenty of sleep tonight.

The building was eerily quiet, just as it always was when she came here. Her duffle bag with her Bluetooth speaker was getting heavy on her shoulder as she swung open the co-ed locker room door.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," she swore under her breath as she heard the water already running. 

She crept closer to the showers and spotted Alex's bright red gym bag on the counter. "Of fucking course," she said, a little too loudly.

"Hello?" she heard from the running shower.

Sarah panicked slightly, not sure if she should answer or run away. She had time to do neither because not a split second later, the curtain was pulled back to reveal a wet-haired head. A very good looking wet-haired head.

"Oh hey there, Shower Girl!" Alex gave a big toothy grin.

"What are you doing here?" Sarah asked. Even though the answer was obvious. Alex knew it as well as he just smirked at her.

"I thought you would be coming by later." Sarah continued on. "Doesn't track practice end for you like around eight? It's only six."

"Oh, so you know my schedule?" He winked. He actually fucking winked. Sarah was disgusted.

"You wish!" 'good comeback Sarah,' she thought to herself.

Alex only chuckled and closed the curtain again to finish showering. "You can join me if you'd like."

Sarah felt her cheeks heat up and the blatant come-on. "In your dreams, Thacker," she muttered out.

"Maybe." came Alex's cryptic reply.

Sarah decided to wait for him out in the locker room itself. He seemed like he was almost finished. She pulled her phone out to text her friend Nora about a project for their biology class as she waited. Soon enough the water shut off and she heard the curtain moving again.

"Shower Girl? Where'd you go?" She heard Alex ask before he popped his head out from behind the wall. "Oh, there you are, I was afraid you had left."

"Why would you care?" Sarah tucked her phone away and stood up to come back into the shower room. She stopped though as Alex came around the corner fully, with the towel wrapped lowly on his hips.

"Are-Aren't you going to get dressed?" Her mouth felt so dry. Why was he just standing there? Water droplets trailing down his chest, pooling in the dips of his abs? Was this hell? Sarah felt like this was her own personal hell. She swallowed, trying to get saliva back into her mouth as Alex just shrugged his shoulders.

"I wanted to get out quickly so you could shower." That didn't make any sense, Sarah thought. There were like ten other showers in the shower room, any of which Sarah could have easily gotten into. She wanted to wait until she was alone before she got undressed and she was pretty sure Alex knew that.

"Sh-should I wait outside?" Sarah stuttered. She really just wanted to escape the sight of a half-naked Alex Thacker. For her sanity's sake.

Alex chuckled at Sarah's obvious nervousness. "Chill sweetheart, it's not that big a' deal. I'll just get dressed out here while you go shower." Alex said nonchalantly as he moved closer to her.

She didn't move an inch as Alex stalked closer to her. Still very wet. Very very wet.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" He smirked as he came to stop a few inches in front of Sarah. She knew her cheeks were red again and she hated herself for reacting like this. This was so stupid. He was just a guy, She saw half-naked guys all the time. At dance practice, in the quad, at dance practice. Sarah shook her head as she realized she had repeated her thought twice. 

What the fuck was she doing just standing here panicking? Her brain started to work again and she realized Alex's gym bag was still in the shower room so there was no way he could get dressed out here.

"And what do you plan on wearing exactly? The Emporer's new clothes?" She cocked her eyebrow at the athlete.

"Why? Would you like that?" Alex inched closer.

Fuck. This was no good. Sarah could feel the heat radiating from his body. Her mind went blank but thankfully her mouth was already moving. "I hope you didn't use all the hot water."

Alex chuckled as he took a step back, taking mercy on Sarah. "You're cute, you know that?"

"I know," Sarah beamed at him before quickly grabbing her duffle bag and walking towards the locker room doors.

"Wait, where are you going?" Alex called out.

"I'm going to wait outside. Watching you get dressed isn't on my bucket list, Thacker." She lied.

And that's how Sarah's week went, going to shower at different times of the day, trying to miss Alex. Sometimes it worked, and she wasn't sure if the feeling in her stomach was joy at not having to deal with seeing or talking to him, or the other feeling. She hoped to god it wasn't the other feeling. 

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