First place

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"I can't believe you did that!" Nora let out a loud laugh.

"Me?" Sarah asked, astonished. "What about him? He wouldn't even kiss me!"

"Serves you right." Nora turned from her workstation to see Sarah pouting at her. "You teased him, Sarah. Did you really expect him not to tease you back?"

"Well...I mean.." Sarah trailed off as she looked back down at the workstation they were currently sharing. They were supposed to be working on their biology project but Sarah couldn't keep the 'almost kiss' from Nora.

"I'm just glad you finally admitted that you like him," Nora smirked as she leaned back down, studying the slide she had just slid under the microscope. "So what's your next move?" She asked distractedly as she scribbled notes on her paper.

Sarah wasn't sure what her next move should be. She was really enjoying this little cat and mouse game but Alex seemed to be over it. He really had refused to kiss Sarah in the locker rooms even though she knew the star athlete wanted to.

Sarah wanted him to.

Maybe that was the problem? Sarah had finally let her feelings show and Alex had done a complete 180 on her. Like he had gotten Sarah exactly where he wanted her, just to leave her high and dry. Sarah didn't like it. Not one bit.

"Well, he invited me to some track thing this weekend." Sarah wasn't sure what it was exactly but it seemed like a big deal.

"Mmhmm" Nora replied, still focused on the slide.

"Maybe if he like wins or something, I'll tell him my name." Sarah shrugged, thinking it over.


"You're not even listening anymore. Give me the notebook, your handwriting sucks." Sarah huffed as she held her hands out.

"Hey, sweetheart." Alex smiled as Shower Girl approached the chain-link fence around the track. It had been two days since the 'almost kiss' and Alex had been dying to see the redhead. He really should have just kissed her for fuck's sake.

He was supposed to be warming up but the chance to talk to his shower girl would be worth any scolding he got from his coach.

"So, about this track meeting this weekend," She said, resting her arms over the top bar of the fence.

"Track Meet," Alex corrected. "and it's regional qualifiers."

"Right so, is it like a big deal or something?"

Alex chuckled. "Yeah, it's kind of a big deal."

"Are you going to win?"

"I'd like to place in the top five, that'd be a win for me." Alex reached his hand out and ran it across Shower Girl's forehead, pushing the hair back that had blown into her face.

"Not first?" She blushed, looking down at her feet. That was some sweet, romantic movie type shit and it made her heartbeat pick up.

Alex didn't want to pull his hand back but knew it'd be weird if he didn't. He just wanted to keep touching the soft skin. "Well yeah, first would be amazing but I'm fine with top five."

"I think you should get first place." She looked back up, meeting Alex's eyes.

"Oh yeah?" Alex smirked. "And why's that?" He placed his hands on either side of Shower Girl's arms as leaned against the fence right in front of her.

"Because," Shower Girl licked her lips nervously. "I only reward winners."

Alex watched as Shower Girl sucked her bottom lip between her teeth playfully. Fuck. He should have just kissed her when he had the chance.

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