New friends

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Shower Girl still hadn't told him her name and Alex was getting desperate. 

She was just so cute and elusive and god her voice was just so god damn pretty. Her mouth was pretty too, Alex thought. She had such big pouty lips. He purposefully went out of his way to make Shower Girl pout. He also liked the way her cheeks got all nice and rosy when he flirted with her. Alex liked it very much, maybe a little too much.

He was giddy as he opened the locker room door but his happy mood quickly disappeared. "Again? Seriously?" He said to the empty locker room. This was the second day in a row. Alex had even been moving his own schedule around to try and come here later in the night as he had quickly caught on to her shower time being between eight and ten at night. When she came later in the evening, she looked especially tired. 

Alex had gotten a little information from her during their short visits, Shower Girl was a dancer. Which surprised him because he thought for sure she would be a singer, with the voice that she had. Alex had said as much and Shower Girl had just blushed a pretty red color. Alex smiled to himself as he thought back on how cute the girl had looked. Fuck. He really needed a name.

Luck was on his side the next day as he was running around the track. His coach wasn't here today, so he was just jogging and not really focusing on his time. This gave him the opportunity to let his eyes wander around the track, bleachers, and the little student seating areas spread around. He found himself looking at the students gathered here and there, not really thinking about anything at all until his eyes fell on a head of bright red hair. He stopped dead in his tracks as he squinted harder at the girl sitting at a table with a taller girl with brown hair. "Shower Girl?" he asked under his breath.

Alex had actually been looking around campus for the red-haired girl all week but had yet to catch a glimpse of her. Even after he knew she was a dancer and had taken extra long walks between classes, just to walk by the dance practice rooms, he still hadn't seen her.

Before Alex could stop himself, he was suddenly jogging towards the chain-link fence that separated the track and the student sitting area beyond.

"Shower Girl!" Alex called out as he deftly lifted himself up the fence and hopped over.

The redhead turned towards him quickly and Alex felt himself grin as he saw it was, indeed, Shower Girl.

"Hey!" He greeted as he came up to stand behind them.

"Shower Girl?" The brown-haired girl asked, looking at Shower Girl in confusion.

"Yeah, that's what he calls me because I'm refusing to tell him my name." Shower Girl answered, not taking her eyes off Alex's. She raised her eyebrow questioningly at him and Alex realized he had just been so glad to get a chance to talk to her after two days, he hadn't really thought of what he planned to say.

"Sup?" Was all he could come up with.

Shower Girl let out a cute little giggle and Alex felt his smile get wider. Feeling brave, he walked over and plopped himself down at the table, sitting as close to her as possible. Their thighs were touching and Alex felt his skin heat up at the contact. Thankfully he had just been running and had already worked up a light sweat, so his face being red was easily excused.

"It's nice to see you with a shirt on, Thacker." She commented, causing the brown-haired girl to choke on her water.

"Oh sorry, Nora, this is Alex Thacker. Thacker, meet my friend Nora Lee."

"Nice to meet you." The Nora girl said as she offered her hand. Alex shook it and then turned and held his hand out to Shower Girl.

"Hi, I'm Alex Thacker, and what's your name?" He added a friendly smile for encouragement, surprised when his hand was grasped in a much smaller and softer one.

"I'm Shower Girl, nice to meet you."

His smile fell and he pulled his hand back.

"Rude" His comment made Shower Girl laugh again and Alex just wanted to hear that sound forever and ever. He found his own smile returning.

"So what are my new friends doing over here in the shade? Maybe watching a certain track all-star?" he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"No!" Shower Girl said at the exact same time Nora said "Yes."

Shower Girl turned to glare at her friend and Alex chuckled. She looked so stinking cute. Her lips were pouting again and Alex couldn't take his eyes off them.

"We. were. not. staring." She exaggerated each word.

"Well, I wasn't staring" Nora agreed.

Alex couldn't stop smiling. This was so great! He decided to lean back and watch the drama unfold.

"Seriously Nora?" Shower Girl was getting angry.

"Have you ever known me to lie Sa-Shower Girl?" Alex sat forward with interest. Was that the beginning of a name? Alex looked between Nora and Shower Girl with growing interest as Shower Girl was glaring and Nora was trying to contain her laugh.

After a few more seconds, Shower Girl let out a little huff, the cute pout still on her lips. She closed the notebook that had been laying open on the table and picked it up.

"Whatever, I'm leaving." Her cheeks were even puffed up a little and Alex was just staring as she slid off the bench. His thigh immediately getting cold at the loss of contact.

Nora let out a loud laugh and called after Shower Girl as she stomped away towards the building nearby. "See you later Shower Girl!"

Alex stared after her for a few more seconds before turning to look at the Nora girl.


"No," Nora stated simply. "I'm not going to tell you her name."

"Well, it was worth a shot." He grinned as he stood up as well. He turned to leave but Nora stopped him.

"See you tomorrow? Same place, same time?" Interesting, Alex thought. So they came here often?

"Oh definitely," Alex smirked before walking back towards the fence.

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