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"I can't believe you said that," Sarah pouted. Nora had followed her back to her dorm after the little episode with Alex.

"I didn't even say your full name," Nora sighed.

"I didn't mean that. You practically told him I was staring at him," she whined. Sarah crossed her arms over her chest and sat down on her bed with a hmph, pout still on her lips.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have been staring?" Nora suggested.

"I WASN'T!!"

Nora chuckled at the red creeping up Sarah's cheeks. "You expect me to believe that? Your back was to the track, yet you kept finding reasons to turn around. I'm not dumb Sarah."

"I-" Sarah started but couldn't actually think of anything to say. Had she been that obvious?

"I thought you didn't like him?"

"I don't. He's annoying. And cocky. He thinks he's like, the shit or something," Sarah huffed.

"I heard he's really good at track."

"OoOoh he knows how to run fast, how impressive," she waved her hands around mockingly.

Nora let out a snicker. "He really rubs you the wrong way, huh?"

"He doesn't rub me any way."

"Is that why you're upset?" Nora knows she's pushing her luck but she really does want to get to the bottom of this. Sarah has been complaining about Alex non-stop since their first run-in. Which would make sense, if she were really mad. But the consistency in which Sarah brings the athlete up, her coincidentally red cheeks, her detailed descriptions of the events; it's all a little too suspicious. Nora has the feeling that Sarah has the hots for the track runner. "You're upset that he doesn't rub you?"

Sarah just lets out a loud gasp and stares at Nora in shock.

Nora can't help but laugh a full-blown laugh this time. "I'm sure all you'd have to do is ask. He seems to like you."

"Eww," Is all that Sarah can respond. "I don't want someone like that, liking me."

"Someone like that?" Nora prompted. "What do you mean?"

"He's like, a player or something right? A fuckboy?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

"Asking I think? Doesn't he like, sleep around?" Sarah asked, trying to recall what she's heard about Alex Thacker other than the fact that he's hot and good at track.

"I don't know, is this your way of asking me to find out?" That settles it, Sarah is definitely interested.

"I really appreciate this Mr. Myers, you have no idea," Sarah thanked the music producer as he turned and locked his studio door.

"Please, call me Isaac, and I'm happy to help Sarah. I heard you're a great dancer." Isaac turned to smile at Sarah.

"Really?" Sarah blushed.

"Yeah, Nora talks about you quite a bit when we work together. I've heard many good things." He gives Sarah a friendly smile before being pushed forward slightly by someone coming up behind him and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"Isaac, my boy!"

Sarah looked up to see the one and only Alex Thacker grinning at her.

"Ugh, Alex, get off me." Isaac shrugged his arm off his shoulder.

Sarah couldn't take her eyes off Alex. He looked so different outside of his tracksuits and running shorts. He had a black beanie on his head, and silver hoop earrings in his ears. His plain white t-shirt was fit snug over his broad chest and he was wearing a pair of black skin tight jeans and black and white converses. Sarah could see what the appeal is, Alex Thacker was very good-looking. Even fully clothed.

Alex looked back up and caught her staring.

"Well hello there beautiful, fancy meeting you here." He winked, making Sarah blush.

"You two know each other?" Isaac looked between the two of them. The air around them was thick with tension and it was making Isaac a little uncomfortable.

"She knows me," Alex replied cockily, raising his eyebrow at her. "but she won't tell me her name."

Isaac then turned to look at Sarah. "Is that true?"

"He hasn't earned my name yet," Sarah said, giving Alex a smug look.

"Okay, well," Isaac said, shifting uncomfortably.

Sarah then turned to look at Isaac for the first time since Alex had shown up.

"Sorry Isaac, thanks again for agreeing to let me use your music. I'll go now." Sarah straightened the strap of her shoulder bag before nodding to them both and turning to leave.

Alex didn't catch up to her until Sarah was outside of the Musical Arts Building.

"Shower Girl! Hold up!" He called, jogging up to Sarah.

A group of girls snickered as they walked past Sarah. She was sure their imaginations were running wild with Alex yelling out that kind of nickname. She frowned as Alex came up beside her.

"Can you not scream that name out for everyone to hear?"

"I'd be more than happy to scream out your name, all you have to do is give me that, a time and a place." He winked at Sarah as he said it.

"Gross," Sarah turned her head away from Alex in disgust, but also to hide her reddening cheeks.

"You say that like you're not already warming up-" His sentence was cut off as he threw his hands out to grab her.

Sarah had been facing her head to the side and hadn't seen the crack in the sidewalk and of course, with her luck, she managed to trip. Alex's reflexes were quick, very quick. He reached out to place one hand on Sarah's stomach and the other on her upper arm to stop her from falling face first. Now Sarah's cheeks were bright red. How embarrassing.

"Th-thanks," she mumbled under her breath.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you," Alex said with a smirk on his face that told Sarah he had, in fact, heard her.

"Thanks for not letting me fall on my face," she said a bit louder, still not looking at Alex. Her eyes were on the hand still placed firmly on her stomach. Such a nice, big, warm hand.

"I could never let anything happen to such a pretty face." Sarah could hear the smile in his voice. She had to use all her willpower not to turn and glance at it.

"Yeah well, you can let go now."

"What if I don't want to?" He asked a bit huskily. Sarah finally turned to look at Alex's face, the cocky grin in place, just as she knew it would be. Sarah wanted nothing more than to wipe it from his face.

"That sounds like assault to me." She raised her eyebrow at him. "I didn't take you for that kind of a jock."

Alex snatched his hands back like he had been burned.

"I-I'm not" He stuttered.

Sarah actually laughed at the sheer terror on Alex's face. "Relax, I know you're not."

Alex visibly relaxed as Sarah continued to laugh. "You should have seen the look on your face though, adorable."

Alex knew he was being laughed at, but as long as she was laughing that irresistible laugh, her dimples even more prominent, he didn't care.

"So, you think my face is adorable?" He asked, making Sarah laugh even harder than before.

"Is that a yes?" Alex asked.

Sarah's laughter died down and she stood up straight to look Alex in the eyes. 

"Maybe," she said with a small smile. "Now stop following me, I have class."

She heard Alex yell out behind her as he walked off.

"I can work with 'maybe'!"

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