Chapter Thirty-Three

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   Gaster rushed into the Lab the next day. He knew he needed to tell someone, and he knew exactly who to tell.
   "Alphys!", Gaster called out. He ran around the True Lab floor, feet clacking, searching everywhere for his lizard assistant. He slammed open the door to the room that Alphys was almost always in. And luckily, she was there, drawing out something. Alphys perked up her head in surprise. Gaster rushed over to the steel table that his lizard friend was at, slapping the newly-created blueprints he had made onto the table.
   Alphys stared at them curiously, looking over them. She then looked up at Gaster. "What exactly is this?", she asked, confusion loud in clear in her tone of voice. Gaster smiled a bit, proud of himself.
   "These are blueprints that explain why Determination melts monsters!", Gaster exclaimed. Alphys widened her eyes a bit, jerking the blueprints back into her hands, clearly interested. Gaster gave her a minute to examine the notes carefully, closely. Alphys's eyes were darting everywhere over the page. She then looked back up at Gaster.
   "Are you sure?", Alphys asked. Gaster nodded quickly, clearly sure of himself. "And you checked everything? The science? The math? The evidence and reactions?" Gaster nodded once more and drug a chair over to the table from the other side of the room with a few of his summoned hands. He sat down and bent over the table.
   "You see,", Gaster began as he pointed to the blueprints, "we monsters don't have enough physical matter in our bodies to handle Determination. Let me break it down. Humans have a lot of physical matter in their bodies, even though most of it is water. And their souls are also able to take so much more power. Us monsters, on the other hand, have slightly weaker souls, considering that our souls don't have 'traits', such as Bravery, Justice, etcetera. And some of our bodies, such as some of us skeletons, have a lot less or no water in our bodies at all. We monsters also have a lower amount of physicality, physical matter. That's why we have magic. It helps us so much more. If you add up all of the factors, it makes sense."
   Alphys thought for a moment as she listened to Gaster, realizing how correct he was. She looked over the blueprints, realizing that it all made sense. But as she studied the blueprints, she realized that they were also implying some sort of experiment.
   "So, are you suggesting in these papers that we should test Determination on a monster?", Alphys asked. "Because, I'm not sure if you remember, but after your whole 'Determination melting face' fiasco, Asgore made that illegal." Gaster nodded.
   "I know. That's why I want to test it on something lifeless.", he explained. Alphys raised a brow in confusion. Gaster sighed. "Look, Determination, if tested on something, could bring it to life. And maybe it doesn't even have to be lifeless. Just something that is alive, but doesn't have a soul. Like a..."
   Gaster trailed off, unsure of what exaple he should give. Alphys thought for a moment, and perked her head up as she thought of the perfect example. "Like a flower!", Alphys said aloud. Gaster smiled and nodded as he pointed a finger at her.
   "Yeah! A flower!", he exclaimed in agreement. "We should get a flower!" Alphys nodded.

* * *

   Gaster decided to go to Asgore for a flower. He was always a perfect source for those, since he grew them. His whole Throne Room was practically a flower garden.
   Gaster walked up to the palace. He hadn't been here since he told Asgore about the house that would be built in Snowdin. He opened the large doors and walked throughout the palace. He realized that the place had become much less colorful since Toriel left. Most of the palace was a bit grey. Gaster decided to check out the place. He walked around and noticed a hallway he had never explored before. He walked down it, curiosity pulling him along.
   He studied the area, which was purely grey. He liked his head around the corner, surprised at what he saw. It was a row of coffins, each with a heart of a certain color, or the different sup traits. There were seven coffins, six inhabited. We only need a soul of Determination. Then we came be free, Gaster thought as he looked over the coffins. He walked away from the hallway, quickly realizing that he shouldn't have been so nosy.
   Gaster rushed into the Judgement Hall, slowing down as he neared the Judge. The Judge looked up. Gaster smiled a bit. The Judge smiled back.
   "Hello, Dr. Gaster. What are you here for today?", the Judge asked.
   "I have a request for Asgore.", Gaster answered. The Judge nodded and began to do his job. His eyes glowed a beaming red as he examined Gaster's stats. He looked very surprised and stood back a bit.
   "Sir, how did your LV get so high recently?", the Judge asked. Gaster tilted his head a bit in confusion.
   "What do you mean?", he asked.
   "Your LV appears to be at 25!", the Judge exclaimed. Gaster widened his eyesockets in surprise. He wasn't exactly sure what it was. But since he knew what could affect Level of Violence, he knew what it most likely was. Gaster had been a tad moody lately, and for some odd reason, LV was affected by those things.
   "I guess I've had a bad attitude recently, but I can handle it.", Gaster explained. The Judge nodded.
   "Alright. Well, come through.", he said, stepping out of Gaster's way. Gaster walked down the hall, realizing that he should start trying to control himself. He arrived at the end of the hall, staring at the Throne Room entrance. He took in a deep breath and pressed open the door.
   In the flower-drowned room, Asgore was sitting on his throne with a depressed expression on his face. He seemed to be staring at old photos, which Gaster assumed were images of Toriel, Asriel, and Chara. The family Asgore lost. Asgore heard the door open and immediately set the photos back onto the table. He looked directly at Gaster and sat up straight in his throne.
   "Dr. Gaster!", Asgore exclaimed. "What brings you here?" Gaster walked up to Asgore, blueprints in hand. He explained what he wanted to do, adding on the explanation about the flower and why he needed one. Asgore listened, nodding his head multiple times, understanding the situation.
   "Alright.", Asgore said. He picked a flower out of the ground and placed it into Gaster's hand. Gaster examined the flower. It was a sunflower. A sunflower, one of the flowers that could have killed Chara. But Gaster decided to take his mind off of that and thanked Asgore for the flower. He left the palace, taking the flower with him. He took the flower to the Lab, injected it with Determination, then went home.
   It was the next day that everything began to become weird.

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