Chapter Thirteen

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   The area became much more calm, wet, and quiet as the three creatures entered the Waterfalls. Xander looked around the water-filled wonderland, amazed by it's magical essence, his eyes wide. Gaster smiled. Alphys still seemed nervous around the skeleton, and had begun to seem protective of the human child. Gaster was still curious as to why she was suddenly fearful of him, but for now it didn't seem to matter.
   Suddenly, the three creatures heard footsteps coming from a nearby swamp-like area. The footsteps sounded as if they sunk into mud and pulled out. Metal clanked as the footsteps trudged one by one. Alphys and Gaster immediately knew who the monster was.
   The fish creature with human-like qualities stepped out of the swamp area, covered in armor, the only visible part of her being her face. Alphys perked up at the sight of the captain of the Royal Guard. Gaster looked to Undyne. Undyne wasn't focused on the two monsters before her, but was instead focused on the human. Undyne gripped the black spear in her hand, baring her sharp teeth at Xander.
   Xander stepped back and Gaster put his arm in front of the child. "Down, Undyne. There's no need for violence.", he said calmly. Undyne looked at him in confusion.
   "Dr. Gaster, you were informed of Asgore's law, correct?", Undyne said in her gruff, commanding voice. Gaster nodded in confirmation of the fish creature's question. Undyne's confusion grew, but so did her anger.
   "Then you should be killing the human, not guiding it!", Undyne grunted, her voice becoming filled with hatred. Gaster shook his head.
   "No. I refuse to kill a child.", Gaster said, pulling Xander closer to him. "I know the law, but Xander is only a child. This would be cruel. I wouldn't kill a child for anything, not even science." Xander slightly squirmed in Gaster's grasp. The talk of him dying was beginning to scare him. Undyne glaced down to the human, then back to the skeleton.
   "You're obviously not a loyal employee, traitor.", Undyne said aggressively. Gaster snapped his eyes up to the armored monster.
   "Excuse me?", Gaster said, his anger beginning to show.
   "I said, you're obviously not a loyal employee!", Undyne said again, louder than the first time. Alphys looked at the both of them, scared of what might happen.
   "What is that supposed to mean?", Gaster asked, his voice sounding more violent and angry.
   "It means that you don't have any honor for the Underground or for King Asgore if you won't kill a human for their soul! You don't deserve to even be the Royal Scientist!", Undyne shouted, looking back and forth from Gaster to the human. Gaster narrowed his eyesockets, becoming more angry and aggressive. Undyne glared at the skeleton.
   Gaster made what sounded like a growling sound, gripping onto Xander's shoulder. Undyne stepped towards Gaster, Alphys, and Xander, ready to attack the child. Gaster's eyes began to glow. Alphys saw it and stepped away from Gaster in fear, even though she wasn't the one he was mad at.
   "Undyne,", Gaster grunted angrily, "if you try and hurt him, I will kill you. He's just a child, for goodness sake." Undyne stepped forward menacingly. Gaster glared at her, beginning to grip his bony hands tightly and baring his teeth. Undyne did the same. Xander shook away from Gaster's grip and ran to Alphys, who was standing in between the two angry monsters. Undyne looked at the human. Gaster looked at Undyne, prepared to defend the child.
   Undyne looked at Gaster, then to Xander. "You won't do anything.", she said with a chuckle. "You're just the Royal Scientist."
   She jumped to Xander, tackling him to the ground. Alphys dodged the fish creature's dive, but looked to Gaster, hoping he might to something. Gaster summoned all six of his magical hands. They began to magically glow. Xander was attempting to fight against Undyne, purple glows of light bursting from him.
   He is a soul of Perseverance, Gaster thought, then he should be able to survive and fight until I can battle Undyne myself.
   Alphys had been knocked to the ground when she avoided Undyne's attack, and seemed to have been knocked unconscious by the force. As Alphys was on the ground, she squirmed, as if she were not unconscious, but asleep. As Undyne was trying to stab Xander with her spear, Xander knocked the spear from her hand with a burst of magic. Undyne growled and reached for her weapon.
   Gaster was close to the spear and ran to it. One of his summoned hands shot out red, glowing strings from its fingertips. The glowing strings of light elongated and reached for the spear. Undyne stretched her arm out to get the spear before Gaster could. Xander hit Undyne with a violent beam of magic. Undyne shouted loudly under the pressure. Gaster's red strings wrapped around the spear, the strings lifting up the weapon and bringing it to Gaster. Undyne saw what was happening and screamed in frustration.
   Gaster grabbed the spear with the hands attached to him. Undyne glared at the skeleton, fighting to get away from Xander.
   "Give me the spear, f o o l.", Undyne said in a violent tone. Gaster shook his head slowly.
   "Never. Not if you plan on killing a child.", he said quietly. Undyne looked at him angrily then looked down at his feet.
   "I'll get that spear one way,", Undyne said as she reached her arm out, "or another." She grabbed Gaster's leg and pulled as hard as she could. Gaster yelped as he fell to the ground, the spear falling out of his bony hands. He coughed violently as he hit the ground, groaning in pain. The spear landed in front of Undyne. She smiled and grabbed the spear, turning back to Xander.
   Gaster looked up and widened his eyesockets. Undyne smiled crazily at Xander. Xander looked back at the fish creature in fear. Alphys woke up, also in fear, but then became more scared at the sight before her.
   Then Undyne stabbed Xander, causing the human to scream in pain, but not for long.
   The stab wound was in the chest, exactly where his heart and soul were. Gaster was speechless in fear, his breath shaky. He witnessed the human child be murdered, the one thing he promised he wouldn't let happen. Alphys looked at the scene, her eyes full of fear. She not only seemed scared of the sight, but also seemed scared to look at Gaster. Undyne looked as if she didn't know why she acted so crazy, but didn't seem sorry in any way.
   Xander's body began to turn into dust. The only thing that was left was the purple soul of Perseverance. It floated in the air above Undyne's spear. Undyne reached for the soul and grabbed it carefully.
   "I'll take this to King Asgore. It will be the first soul for him to break the Barrier." , Undyne said, not seeming to be talking to anyone in particular. Gaster looked at Undyne in disbelief. She didn't seem concerned with the fact that she had harmed and killed an innocent child and taken its soul. Undyne walked away, leaving only Gaster and Alphys in the area of the crime.
   Alphys stood up and began to walk past Gaster. Gaster put his hand in front of her legs to stop her then stood up. Alphys looked at him in fear. Gaster looked at her confusedly, then grabbed her by the shoulders. Alphys flinched.
   "Alphys, why are you being this way? Why are you acting scared of me?" , Gaster asked in a frustrated voice. Alphys looked away from him.
   "W-well... I...", Alphys stuttered. She looked at Undyne's spear, which Undyne had left behind. "Do you think we should take that to her?"
   "Alphys, don't change the subject. Just answer me.", Gaster said calmly.
   "Fine... it's a long story so...", Alphys said, hoping not to talk about it.
   "I don't care how long your story is. Just tell me.", Gaster replied, eager to find out the answer to this mystery.
   "Fine.", Alphys started. "It started last night. I went to bed like I always do. But then I had this dream. But it didn't feel like a dream, it felt like a vision. I was in the Lab, but there were terrifying creatures that looked like melting monsters... or maybe monsters melting together. And then I went in a room and saw you. But you weren't you... your face was halfway melted and you were trying to kill me. You wanted to take my soul. And then we began to battle. You began to choke me with your summoned hands. And when I woke up, I couldn't breath for a second. It wasn't like a dream. It couldn't have been." Gaster looked at Alphys in confusion.
   Gaster wondered why this was happening. First, Sans had the dream about Gaster trying to kill him, and when Sans woke up, his soul had actually been cracked. Now, Alphys had a dream about Gaster trying to kill her, and when she woke up, she couldn't breath just as she couldn't in the dream.
   Gaster walked a few steps away from Alphys. "Why is this happening?", he asked himself quietly. Alphys looked at the skeleton in concern.
   "What?", Alphys asked.
   "N-nothing.", Gaster stuttered. He left the lizard alone, rushing back home, trying to figure out what was happening.

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