08. shortbread

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"Does Yeonwoo know?"

"Know what?"

"That you murdered her twin brother."

She peered around the corner. She wasn't able to see Suho's face, but she knew from his stance that he was weakening. Seojun's face glowed with unspent fury, a terrifying sight to behold. Where had the sweet guy who had placed the gifts on her desk that afternoon gone?

"How long will you take it out on me?" Suho choked out.

"Until you meet—" Seojun's eyes glittered menacingly. "—Seyeon in the afterlife."

"Fine." Suho tried to walk away, but Seojun's voice stopped him.

"And how dare you try to act nice to Yeonwoo, thinking it'll lessen your guilt. It won't make your crime disappear." His voice was soft, but venom seeped into every syllable he uttered. "Don't forget that you killed her twin and that you don't deserve to be happy. You murderer."

SHE decided that it was enough and emerged out of the shadows. She called out Suho's name quietly to announce her presence.

"What are you doing out here?" She couldn't help but notice how Suho's voice trembled unsteadily.

"My mother wanted to give you this." She held out one of the baskets to him. She gave the other to Seojun, lowering her eyes to avoid looking at him. "You too."

Suho was about to walk closer to her, but faltered when Seojun glared at him.  Still, Suho asked softly, "Do you want me to walk you home? It's dark."

"That's alright. Seojun can walk me home. Won't you, Seojun?" She forced her eyes to meet his, and was taken aback at the smug glint in his eyes, how his smirk taunted poor Suho.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the festival, Suho." Yeonwoo turned on her heel and walked ahead of Seojun. She couldn't bear to wait to see if he would impart more malicious words on his former friend.

As they walked in the direction of her home, she said quietly, "Han Seojun. Why would you say something like that?"

She could feel him stopping behind her. She didn't dare turn around, to see the angry glow of his eyes she was certain was there. Her knees knocked together but she gritted her teeth. T

he thought of Seyeon gave her strength, and Yeonwoo blazed on, "How do you know Suho isn't hurting as much as you? How could you say such cruel, awful things to him?"

A muscle in Seojun's jaw ticked. "You have no idea what he did."

"I do. I know far more than you think I do." She turned around. "It's you who don't know anything. You are so adamant in believing what you want, you don't even stop to consider the truth behind it."

Seojun laughed, an empty and hollow sound that knocked Yeonwoo's heart. "Suho ignored his calls. He could have—isn't that enough reason?"

"Suho is grieving just as much as you are. It wasn't his fault, it was them. Those who spread the rumours, the bullies who framed him, the netizens who posted terrible comments, the CEO who fired him because he dare doubted his innocence."

"This is the welcome I get? While you act all chummy with Suho, I get nothing but you treating me like a child?"

"You called him a murderer." Her voice broke. "You're not the Han Seojun I know." She walked away, and Seojun did not follow after her. Irritation at himself coursed through his veins as lethal and quick as poison.

The last time he disappointed her, he swore never to do it again.

a/n: oooo, drama-rama! do y'all think seojun deserved that? or was yeonwoo too harsh on him? comment what you guys think !! you can follow, vote, & comment to show your support:)) how my heart bursts when I get notifs of people adding this to their reading list & voting & commenting. stay safe xx

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