Chapter 31

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Nicholas crossed the foyer with strong steps and perched on the edge of the chair my father had just vacated. His hands were held in one large fist resting on his legs.

"You've returned." Nicholas said, leaning across the small space. I wasn't sure if it was a question or a comment, so I nodded. "Why?"

My eyes flickered to my father who was standing by the door. I didn't know how I was supposed to respond and I could only look to him for advice. He just stared back and I tried to calm down. I stuck out my chin and looked Nicholas in the eyes. I needed to sell this lie.

"I realized I have responsibilities and duties that I can't run from, no matter how much they scare me." I spoke with a bold undertone and Nicholas studied my features. I had never been able to look him in the eyes when talking and he seemed to enjoy toying with me as a large smile crept along his lips.

"Thank you for the honesty," his voice was teasing but still made me think of spreading butter using a dagger. No matter how innocent he tried to be, he was still cruel. "And you'll be prepared to marry me tomorrow?"

His eyes narrowed as he spoke and I opened my mouth to respond. I wanted to say 'no' more than anything else, but I needed to say yes. Jax's life depended on it and I trusted Liu Ming to hold up her side of the plan.

"If that is what you wish, yes." My voice broke at the end, but I managed to force out the last word.

"Alright," Nicholas's hand brushed against my cheek and I pulled away. He stood to join my father allowing me to slump against the back of the couch, the area where he touched me itching. "Prepare the ceremony. Tomorrow, we will become family."

My father nodded and Nicholas left without a backwards glance at me. His footsteps thundered down the hall and I was almost revealed to be with my father.

"You are very fortunate he agreed to the marriage." Father motioned for the soldiers to return and grab me. "Lock her up until tomorrow. I won't risk her escaping under my nose again. Understand?" The soldiers nodded as they grabbed me and I stood with them.

"Father, I want to see Isabella and the man. I need to know they're alive. You promised you would guarantee their safety if I followed through on my promise, this is the only way I can insure your honesty." The men holding me looked to him and I could see his resolve. The word 'father' and the threat of a broken promise was enough to convince him I was genuine.

"Alright, Maurea. Isabella isn't doing well and I think proof that you're alive will help her as well." He led us out of the room and down the hall that led to the bedrooms. The familiar sight was reassuring. "She thought you were captured, this should prove to her that I am not holding you against your will."

He knocked on the door at the end of the hall and it opened. The guard released me into the room and I looked around. It was the infirmary bedroom where we would sleep when we were little and sick. The windows surrounded the room giving it natural light and shone directly on Isabella. She was asleep in the bed and her face was ghostly white.

"Isabella," I breathed as I ran toward her. "Are you alright?"

I knelt next to the bed as her eyes fluttered open. Her dream glossed vision disappeared as she looked at me. Her head tilted away as she tried to capture my face.

"Maurea," she said, voice raspy and dry. When she was able to see me, her eyes widened and her hand snaked out from under the cover to grab my face. "How?" She breathed. "You can't be here. If they find you-"

I leaned forward, hugging her tightly and cutting off her words. My head was buried in her hair and I could feel her slow heartbeat pounding into my neck.

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