Chapter 32

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I curled up on the stone floor with my back against the bars. The guard stood at attention, staring straight down the hall with glazed over eyes and an expressionless face.

"I told you to run. Why couldn't you listen?" Jax pulled himself closer to my cell and leaned against the grate facing me. His right hand clutched the bars as he peered through.

"I couldn't leave Isabella." I looked at the guard and moved further into the cell, away from his line of sight. "If I had known what you were, I wouldn't have bargained for your freedom. You should have told me you were a Spirit."

The previous shock and anguish in Jax's eyes turned to confusion and he opened and closed his mouth, trying to form the words he wanted. I looked from him to the guard and back and Jax followed my gaze. Recognition flashed across his features and he nodded a smirk growing. If the situation hadn't been dire, I assumed Jax would have laughed at my poor lie.

I raised a finger to my lips and smiled. With my other hand, I grabbed the great and pulled myself closer, trying to see his face.

"What did they do to your face?" I whispered, trying to avoid the guards attention. I slipped into French, praying the guard didn't know the dialect.

"They weren't very nice, but I just need a good soak and I'll be handsome and perfect again." I rolled my eyes as Jax chuckled. It only took a second for his smile to fall again. "Please tell me you have a plan and you aren't going to marry him."

Jax moved his hand so his fingers were holding mine through the bars. My fingers warmed for a second, the comforting gesture working. I should be the one helping Jax in his hour of need but instead he put me first.

"I plan on doing whatever may be necessary. If that means marrying him, so be it. For now, we need to worry about you."

"What do you mean you plan on marrying him," Jax demanded. "I thought you hated your fiancé?"

I shook my head at the oblivious man. I looked at him for a moment, waiting for him to understand and, like setting off a firework, his eyes opened wide and his lips formed an 'O'.

Lowering my voice, the sound barely recognizable over the echos around us, I continued the conversation.

"If I need to, I will marry Nicholas as a distraction. I have an escape plan, but it has gone slightly off course." I squeezed the fingers through the metal drinking in the man across from me. "We just have to wait until Liu Ming, a Shifter, comes. She will help us out of here and we can save Isabella. For now, rest. You look as though a demon possessed you."

My words must have been just loud enough because Jax offered me a quick nod and moved back so his shoulders were not pressed against the rusted bars.

"Then I will enjoy my stay," Jax's voice spoke over the dripping water around us, "After all, tomorrow is a wedding and I think we should make it one for the histories."

The last part was meant to lighten the mood, but the already empty feeling inside grew and I began to wonder if I had made the wrong mistake. I slid down the wall and sighed, resting my head against the metal. All I could do now was wait for Liu Ming.

Closing my eyes, I allowed a light sleep to overtake me. The peace was nice and after not sleeping for a day I was ready to bend over despite the situation. From the next cell, I could hear Jax's deep breathing and I drifted off with my chest matching his exhales.

The sound of whistling woke me up later. The dull melody was methodical and I felt my heart soar.

"Jacob Kain, coming to switch out." The dull voice came from the other side of the metal door. The guard inside turned to look through, studying the face.

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