Chapter 34

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The early morning air had left dew on the soft grass in front of the old greenhouse. My feet brushed through them leaving a trail behind me. The water collected on the train from my head as I continued the slow march to the ceremony.

As soon as we had stepped out of the house, guards had swarmed around us like ants on honey and followed us, ensuring I couldn't escape. That wouldn't happen, that I now accepted. Given the chance, I would still choose to walk into the greenhouse and face him. He didn't know, but my fiancé was not long for this world.

My father stood at the base of the glass doors, glaring at our significant party. The glass allowed a glimpse of the thick vegetation inside the warm room and the metal bars intricately crafted.

My father's clothes were formal as he walked toward us, an elegant suit and dark colors were the perfect style for a forced marriage.

"I'm pleased to see you arrive on time and looking presentable." His arms were extended as he walked forward, imitating a warm greeting. He leaned over, hugging me to which I stiffened instantly. "If you try anything, the man's dead."

He pulled up with the grin still in place, masking his true animalosity. "Your mother would have cried seeing you today," he said. I was surprised at his words, but a glimpse behind him showed curious faces in the doorway, watching our encounter.

"Now are you ready, my daughter? I have no doubt that you will do everything orderly."

Forcing a smile for him, I replied, "Of course, father. Is Isabella in attendance? It would be a shame for her to miss this after she fought so hard to bring me here." I tightened my hold on the flowers, feeling the reassuring thorns beneath.

"I'm pleased to say Isabella is inside. She seems happy you are about to be wed, practically speechless at the thought." He gripped my hand, moving it to his arm.

"She will have to hear all about it later, I suppose." I grit through my teeth, the weariness of the conversation growing on me. "I suppose we have kept these people waiting long enough?"

"Alright. Lydia," my father finally turned his attention away from me, "would you mind informing the clerk that the wedding will commence momentarily?"

"Shall we?" My father didn't leave me room to reply as he pulled me through the open doors.

The music began as the doors reveladles the line of stairs. No maids of honor or happy children led the way, instead, a long red carpet, the shade of blood, and deep silver benched lined the once lush walls. With the flowers and plants pushed to the walls, the greenhouse looked like a rotting shell of the once beautiful area.

The guest stood as I made my way into the large room. The ceiling towered above me and I found everyone's faces in the crowd. Most looked bored while some curious nobles and important figures studied me as I passed with an interesting gaze. I'm sure, despite my father's efforts, the true nature of my disappearance had reached their ears. Now he was sure to show his control over me.

I made eye contact with the man I was to wed. He stood on the raised dais, formal suit with his light hair styled perfectly. He was handsome, but the soft shell was a mask that only a few, unlucky souls truly had seen him without.

He stood, hand folded together as he waited for the pastor to begin, a satisfied smirk on his face. It took me a moment to realize we had made our way opposite the man. My father's fingers released mine and left me with only the bouquet in my hands. White roses, the symbol of purity and respect, neither of which we had towards each other. I wanted to kill Nicholas and he wanted to possess me.

The benches shook as their users sat down and the hall quieted.

The ancient voice of the pastor floated across the still room like a death sentence ringing over the courtroom. I didn't listen to him, waiting only to say my lines and end the dreaded day. I was doing this for the people I love and for myself.

Halfway through the ceremony, the dry voice bagan reading off the expression of intent and I could feel the calm surrounding me begin to give way.

"Do you Nicholas John Carte, take Maurea Tarian Amelia de'Laure, to be your lawfully wedded wife, knowing you will protect her and cherish her, taking into account her pains and sorrows, laughter and joy? Do you vow to help and support her through good and bad as long as you both shall live?"

Nicholas's eyes bore into mine and the malicious intent radiated across the small space. "I do," he said, lips tugging up as if daring me to argue.

I bit in a scream, my face burning. The rage was slowly creeping through my body, my heart burning. He had the audacity to act saintly when he had hurt so many people. Did he regret anything?

The pastor turned to me now, hands folded over the Bible as he stared down at me. I pulled away from Nicholas to glare at the man.

"Do you Maurea Tarian Amelia de'Laure, take Nicholas John Carte, to be your lawfully wedded husband, accepting his flaws and strength, loving him no matter the time? Do you vow to have and to hold him in times of love and pain as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." The words fell from my mouth and I realized them had not stung or brought me vast amounts of pain. Subconsciously, I knew they meant nothing. When the time was right, I would make this man pay for his actions, every touch and word that had dug into me would be returned with vengeance.

"Then do you both vow to have and to hold each other, till death do you part throughout your years?"

Nicholas grabbed my hands and forced them up. His metal ring rubbed against mine. It was clear he had won this battle. One move and he would be dead, a simple twitch of my fingers and he would be dead before anyone could stop me. So close, yet I could do nothing. Liu Ming still had to run with Jax. If I waited just a little longer, I could have everything.

"We do."

The synced words fluttered through the air and the breath the crowd had been holding dissipated. The cool feeling of iced water on a hot day overcame me as I prepared for the end of the wedding and my official marriage to Nicholas by action and contract, not by heart.

"Do I have the right to intervene?"

My heart soared and I couldn't stop the smile that plastered across my face. Whipping my head around, I saw a sight that left me breathless. Across the room, Jax stood looking dirty and tired but handsome nonetheless. His posture showed the amount of injuries he had sustained, but he still attempted to stand tall and proud. He looked at me and, when our eyes made contact, he smiled.

"I think there is supposed to be something like that. Am I right?"

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