"One last Chance" part 1

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Date: 22-Feb-2021

Writer's P.O.V

His gaze was fixed at the huge door waiting for that someone to arrive.Press conference was about to be held and media people were seated on their chairs in the vast hall of his huge and elegant mansion which was decorated beautifully with blue and white flowers.Media people like always were curious and excited to know what 'Vansh Raisinghania' is going to announce today.They were ready and eagerly waiting to bombard him with questions.

Ishaani who was all smiles today noticed her brother's expressions.A frown appeared on her forehead and she went near him.

Ishaani(confused): Bhai,what are you thinking?We should start the conference now.

Vansh(diverting his gaze to her): Nothing Ishaani.Lets start.

He moved to the stage and started speaking in the mic.Everyone present there focussed their attention to him.

Vansh: Hello everyone! First of all i would like to thank all of you to come here.And i know you all must be thinking that why so suddenly i addressed this press conference.So the reason is today i am going to announce something important which is related to my personal life.I want to introduce the new member of our family who is close to me.

He paused for a few seconds while shifting his gaze to the door again hoping for that someone to reach here and see what he has had planned for her.He was sure she will come.He is going to show her how it feels to get betrayal in love.He wanna make her feel the same pain which he felt.And this is going to be much more painful After all it is Vansh Raisinghania's Revenge.

Vansh:So please welcome my wife,Mrs.Ahana Vansh Raisinghania.

With that he turned back and there was Ahana in a bridal attire descending down the stairs with a huge smile on her face.Vansh forwarded his hand to her which she took gladly and stood beside him facing the crowd.

Reporters bombarded them with questions like their first meet,their so called love story and why she wasn't introduced yet to which Vansh answered very smoothly.

While after that Ahana and others communicated with the media,Vansh's gaze once again shifted to the door.His brows knitted in confusion as to why she hadn't reached here yet.She should have been here by now.He wanted to see the look of pain and betrayal on her face when she will get to know that he has erased her identity from his life.He has snatched the 'Vansh Raisinghania' from her name.He has snatched every right from her.But for her to know this she should be here.

Where is she?

Vansh thought not knowing that he won't be able to see her.He wont get a glimpse of her.

He waited and waited but she never came.

Two weeks passed to the conference day but there was no sign of Ridhima.Although other family members cares least for her but Dadi seems a bit worried for her as she did not come.Anyways what was she going to do even if Ridhima would have come.Doing the act of not recognising her.

Vansh on the other hand was in a chaos.He was restless.
But why??

He took his revenge from her but even after that why he was not in peace?
On one side his heart was telling him to go and search for her but on other side his mind was saying the exact opposite.
His mind was stopping him to bend and was convincing him that she deserved it and he should not have any care for her.And he let his mind win because of his ego.
His ego which is going to leave him soon not alone but with immense pain and regret.

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