Chapter Five

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Carlisle was the first to speak. "What's a Doppleganger?" He asked the question that was on all of our minds as was sat in the living room.

"That is a long story," Stephen stated.

"But we need to tell them, everything," Elena said to Stephen.

"Okay. A thousand years ago the first vampires of our kind were created, called the Originals. They were the children of Esther and Mikael Mikaelson. They came to settle in what is now known as our home town of Mystic Falls before it was settled by the British. The Mikaelsons lived in the same villiage as a pack of werewolves. Esther was a witch and her children would have all grown up to be witches and warlocks too but when Esthers son was killed by a werewolf Esther decided that she had been through enough heartbreak and didn't want to suffer through the same thing again if another one of her children died. There were five children; Elijah, Kole, Finn, Rebekah and Niklaus, more commonly known as Klaus and was not the son of Mikael, but the son of a werewolf." Said Stephen wanting Elena to continue on.

"When Esther transformed her kids and her husband, she use a few things to complete the spell and potion that they had to drink. One of them was the blood of a Doppelganger. Tatia was an innocent girl in the village who was a Pertova Doppelganger. We originally thought that she was the first Doppleganger, but she wasn't. That is another story for another day. Anyway, because the Petrova Doppleganger blood was used it is  somewhat magical and is required for very complicated and powerful spells, sometimes even a sacrifice is required. A few centuries ago, Katerina Petrova was born. When she fell pregnant had a baby at sixteen she ran away. Away from Klaus. He wanted her sacrifice so that he could unlock the werewolf side of him to become an Original Hybrid. Making him the most powerful and strongest of his siblings." Elena said.

"Katerina sought refuge in a small house where she tried to kill herself because she didn't want Klaus to get her blood. When the owner of the house saw her with a dagger in her she quickly gave her some of her blood to turn her into a vampire. That is how Katerina has escaped being a useful Doppleganger. Being a vampire meant that while blood still ran through her veins, it  was not of Doppleganger blood. Skip forward a few centuries and Katerina had moved into Mystic Falls with Damon and I. She had changed her name from Katerina Petrova to Katherine Pierce. She was the one who turned Damon and I into vampires and also the one who faked her own death. She made Damon and I fall in love with her, and well..."

"Anyway the catch is, all the Dopplegangers throughout history have looked the exact same. Tatia, Katherine and me, are all Dopplegangers and all look the same. It just so happens to be that Renessme looks exactly like I did when I was her age." 

"What we know is that Renessme is a half human and half vampire hybrid, so it is likely that her blood is useful to be the Dopplegangers. But because she is half vampire it would mean that she is a stronger Doppleganger and inevitably a more powerful one."

"This means that it was be dangerous for Klaus to get his hands on her, but as long as word doesn't travel about her and we keep Renessme a secret, Klaus won't know. Another Doppleganger isn't due for another fifty or so years." 

"So, are you saying that if we ignore the problem, it will go away?" Asked Edward.

"No," said Elena. "We're saying if we keep it a secret, we won't have to deal with any thing for another fifty years, and by that time you will be ready to face the problem if Klaus ever finds you."

"Aren't Dopplegangers meant to be related by blood?" Said Bonnie. "You aren't, so how can she be a Petrova Doppleganger."

"Well actually it turns out that Bella and I are actually cousins. Isobel and Bella's mum Renee were sister adopted by different families when they were little." Said Elena. All of her friends had their jaws dropped astounded that that could actually be possible."

"Alright," Carlisle said and he took the stage, motioning for Elena and Stephen to sit down. "Just as Elena and Stephen have told us to be quiet about Renessme, we..." Carlisle signaled to his family, "...have to keep quiet about them..." he signaled to the others, "...because if the Vultori finds out, we would be in big trouble, and they would be in even greater trouble." Carlisle said with a worried tone, then turned to the others. "The Vultori are the rulers of our world. They decide the rules and put them into place. There aren't many rules, and fewer are enforced regularly. The main one is that we can't make ourselves known to humans. If that happens, we will be killed. That almost happened to Bella and Edward when Bella was still a human, but luckily Alice was there to show that Bella would become a vampire. The other rule is that no immortal children are allowed to be made, because they do not mature beyond the age they were turned. They threw tantrums that killed whole villages. The Vultori was under the impression that Renessme was an immortal child, but they later discovered that she was not and she was in no danger to society."

"How old is the Vultori?" Asked Stephen.

"About three thousand years old." He replied.

"You said that Bella and Edward didn't get killed by the Vultori because Alice saw that Bella would be turned into a vampire," Asked Matt. "What does that mean."

"Well, some of our kind are luckily enough to have gift's or talent's. Alice can see the future, Jasper can feel emotions and change people emotions. Edward can read minds." They all let out a shocked gasp as he said it.

"Bella, I feel so sorry for you, having your husband being able to read your mind all the time! That must be horrible!" Said Caroline.

"Actually," started Bella. "It is not, because my mind is the only mind he can't read." They all had a look on their faces that said that that wasn't fair.

"She is a shield" Emmett chimed in with a wide grin on his face from looking at the expressions on their faces.

"What it means is that Bella is able to block any gift that has influence over the mind, including Edward's gift, and from what I here she is even able to resist your compulsion." said Carlisle.

With that I got a really weird stare from Bonnie. "Bonnie what are you doing?" I asked and she broke her stare.

"This," she said as she looked at Damon and let out a scream and fell to the floor, clutching his head.

At this point my eyes were wide open. "Wow," was all I said.

"She was turning his blood into acid. As a vampire Damon can quickly recover from it, but only for short periods of time." said Tyler.

"Thanks Bon-Bon, let me know how I can repay you later," Damon said as he sat back down.

"Well that wouldn't work on us anyway, because we don't have blood, except Renessme." said Carlisle.

Bonnie tried what she did on Damon to Carlisle, and then Rosalie, then Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Edward and it didn't work on any body. Then Bonnie stared at Damon, and again he fell onto the floor screaming in pain. Bonnie smiled.

"What was that for?" Damon yelled.

"I had to make sure that my powers still worked and well, I think that you can work out the rest." Bonnie smiled again.

"Well, I think that it is time for us to get to sleep," Stephen said.

"Good idea, it is time for Renessme to go to sleep too." I said and we went back to the cottage.

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