Chapter Three

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I looked at my watch, it was 6:45 in the morning, meaning that Renessme was going to wake up soon. I nudged Edward, signaling that we should start making breakfast soon. We quietly stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"Well," Edward started our morning conversation. "I lernt a few things last night whilst scanning their minds."

I punched him hard. Not that it made any difference. "You shouldn't have done that, they need some privacy."

"For one thing, it is harder to get inside their minds. It's not like regular humans or other vampire where every thought is like a voice in my head, but it isn't like your mind either where I can't hear anything. Now I know how Alice feels, having a headache when your gift is harder to use on people."

"That is interesting, we can talk to Carlisle later if you want, or you could come up with your own theory!" I joked, remembering when I didn't know Edward was a vampire and came up with some crazy theories.

"Very funny."

"Good morning everyone!" Damon said cheerfully as he strolled into the room, with Stefan and Elena following. "What's for breakfast?"

"Breakfast?" I asked. Vampires can't digest solid foods.

"Yeah, you know that meal at the start of the day where you break-your-fast."

"Sorry, you eat breakfast?" I questioned.

"Yes, of course."

"Umm... Well... Wait. Do you eat food or drink blood?"


"Ok then."

"Good morning Mummy and Daddy," Renessme said as she walked into the room in her pyjamas. Her face immediately lit up when she remembered the visitors. Edward walked over to her and picked her up, she giggled.

"I don't think you properly introduced yourself to our visitors," said Edward to Renessme.

She jumped out of Edwards arms and raced over to where Damon, Stefan and Elena were sitting. "Hello, my name is Renessme Carlie Cullen. It is nice to properly meet you," she shock each of their hands.

Elena walked over to the kitchen. "Can I help?" she asked me. 

"Yeah, sure," I was making pancakes, and I had finished the batter, now I just had to cook them, it is always easier with another pair of hands, even though I am a vampire.

"Last night, Carlisle said that Renessme is you biological daughter. May I ask how?"

"Umm... well, I was human when I first met Edward. I had just moved here from Phoenix. We started dating and after our senior year which was two years ago, we got married. We went on our honeymoon and, well, one thing led to another and I got pregnant, something that we had no idea was even possible." I could see the confusion on Elena's face. "Anyway, the pregnancy took about a month, and two days before my nineteenth birthday I gave birth to her, almost die, did die, but luckily I got enough vampire venom in me before I died, so I was transformed into a vampire and, well here I am now."

"So, what exactly is Renessme?" Elena asked.

"She is a half vampire, half human hybrid."

At the mention of the word hybrid Elena froze. "Hybrid?" she asked.

"Yes, that's what we call her."

"Stefan," she called out to him in the living room,

"Yes," he replied.

"Klaus isn't coming here is he?"

"No, not that I am aware of. I think that he, Rebekah and Elijah are heading back to New Orleans. Why?"

"Renessme, is a half vampire and half human hybrid, but as long as word doesn't get to Klaus she should be fine."

"Who is Klaus?" I asked interrupting their conversation.

"He is an Original," Stefan answered. "He, his sister Rebekah, brothers Elijah, Kol and Finn and his father Mikael are the first vampire of our kind who were made immortal by their mother Esther who was a witch. At the moment the only Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah are alive. Kol, Finn and Mikael are all dead and Esther is still locked up in a coffin somewhere."

"Anyway," Elena kept going. "Klaus was born a werewolf and a while ago he completed a ritual which saw him be come a half werewolf and half vampire hybrid, making him stronger. He also can now change werewolves into vampire/werewolf hybrids making them stronger and also allowing them to control when they turn into a werewolf. This means that they don't have to change on the full moon and go through the painful process, but have the choice to never have to change at all. The did that to a friend of ours, Tyler."

"Geez, that sounds awfully complicated." I replied.

"It is," said Elena smiling.

"Breakfast is ready," I said suddenly remembering the pancakes that were getting cold.

We all gathered at the table  and I put the plate of pancakes in the centre. 

"Mmmm... These are delicious!" Damon exclaimed, and the others nodded their heads in agreement.

"So these guys have gifts as vampires," said Damon striking up conversation with Elena and Stefan. "Edward can read minds!" Both Elena and Stefan stopped eating and looked up at Damon, then Edward.

"I won't say what you two are thinking because we have a little one around, but, yes I can read your minds but yours are particularly dificult to read unless you think hard about something, like you were just doing then," said Edward.

Renessme was giggling in her seat.

"It must be hard having a husband who knows what you are thinking all the time," said Elena to me.

"I have a mental shield, so Edward can't read my mind. It is the only one that he can't read. That is unless I take my shield down which requires lots of energy." I replied.

"Seriously?" said Elena sounding truly amazed.

I just nodded my head.

"And is doesn't stop there." Damon continued. "The pixie-like girl who lives in the big house, Alice, she can see the future, and her husband Jasper can feel and manipulate the emotions of people around him. And just when you think I am done there is this one," he pointed at Renessme who was sitting next to him. "Show them," he said to her.

Renessme hopped out of her seat and walked round to where Elena was sitting, and she put her hand on her cheek. Elena looked kind of worried, and then, spellbound. When Renessme took her hand away Elena just stared at her in wonder.

"Wow," Elena said before Renessme moved onto Stefan. He too was amazed.

"Your gifts are really cool," said Stefan. "The closest thing we have to gifts is compulsion."

"What's compulsion?" I asked.

"Well," Damon interrupted "What we do it we gain eye contact with someone and we tell them to do something, and a part of their mind makes them do it." 

"I wonder if it will work on Bella," said Edward. "It worked on me but, Bella has her shield so there is a chance it won't work."

"Yeah, this will be interesting," said Damon as he made eye contact with me. "Say the alphabet."

I was quiet for a second. "No."

"Well, it was worth a shot," said Damon.

"Now, are we all finished?" I asked.

"Yes," they all said.

"Edward and I will clean up, and then we will get ready to go over to the house." I said to everyone and then we all split up.


In fifteen minutes we were all ready to go and gathered by the door.

Edward turned to Stefan, Damon and Elena. "What's your policy with sunlight?" He asked.


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