Chapter Six

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Renessme woke this morning with a big smile on her face. 

"She's excited," Edward said to me while he was peeling a banana for Renessme to have for breakfast.

When she came out to the kitchen and sat at the bench there was no doubting Edward. Renessme looked as though she was about to burst with excitement.

"What has got you in such a good mood this morning?" I asked Renessme already knowing the answer.

"We are going to La Push, to see Jake and his friends!" She said loudly.

Edward and I laughed at her enthusiasm and excitement.

Just as we were laughing Damon came stumbling down the hallway and into the kitchen. "What was that noise!" He said tiredly and grumpily.

"Ooops. That was me," said Renessme quietly.

Damon stumbled back down the hallway and back into his bedroom.

Ten minutes later Stephen, Damon and Elena come out of their rooms wanting breakfast, which luckily Edward and I had already made for them.

"How did you sleep?"Edward said with a grin on his face. He was directing his question at Damon.

"Well," he replied, not thinking too much about the question. Then he shot his head up fast and stared at Edward. 

"Yes, I did," Edward said replying to what seemed to be a question asked in Damon's head.

I giggled a bit. Elena and Stephen looked confused. Renessme was laughing.

"Renessme, what is going on?" Elena whispered in Renessme's ear.

"This happens to me all the time!" Renessme giggled. "Daddy can see your dreams, because he can read your mind!" She giggled again.

"Oh.." said Elena looking at Edward uneasily then laughing.

Stephen joined in with her, and then Damon spoke, this time not in his head.

"So what are we doing today," he asked.

"We're going to La Push to see Jake and his friends!" Renessme said very loudly again.

"Who is Jake?" asked Stephen.

"Jake is one of the Quiluite Shapeshifers, or more commonly known as werewolves," said Edward.

"Ok, so here the vampires and werewolves are actually friends?" said Damon.

"Yes, but it is a long story," I said.

"I have time."

"Not now, Damon."

"Alright, if we are all ready to go, I think that we will head over to the house to see how your friends are going," said Edward.

"Ok," said Elena and Stephen.

We walked out the door, this time walking at human pace.

Elena and Damon walked behind us talking quietly, but, well, we are all vampires, so it was pointless.

"What is happening between us?" said Elena.

"I don't know," said Damon. "You know I still love you."

"You know I know that."

"Yeah, but, well I want to be with you again."

"We broke up, remember." 

"Yeah, but..."

"Damon, do you remember the reason we broke up?"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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